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Whats so 'medicinal' about marijuana?

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by h4lfw4y, Feb 3, 2011.

  1. Hey i live on the east coast where marijuana is pretty much illegal in any shape/ my question is- chemically speaking, what makes 'medicinal' mj different from the stuff i buy (otc mj, if you will). I have been told that some strains of medical mj can give the same neurological effects of cannabis without the spirit/body/mind high, is this true? thanks
  2. #2 Snaek, Feb 3, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 3, 2011
    The same neurological effects without the spirit/body/mind high, hmmm... lol

    There is nothing different about the marijuana in dispensaries, there is just a large selection from low quality to extremely high quality product including edibles, concentrates, topicals, clones, all sorts of stuff. You can find or make the same quality without MMJ, it can just be more difficult without a card.

    There are some strains that have exceedingly high CBN/CBD and low THC% that can be medically beneficial as you can then allow a patient to take a much higher dose without the spacing out and whatnot, a lot of the medicinal benefits are in those CBN's and stuff.

    PS I have never seen any of those strains with high CBN/CBD and low THC in a dispensary.
  3. I'm hoping to try some high CBN strains at the end of this grow cycle. These are supposed to be good for daytime use. I'll let y'all know how they work out.

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