I have read several posts and people have let me know that Miracle-Gro is frowned upon for growing. What's so bad about it? My grow right know is being grown with MG soil and plant food and I'm seeing pretty healthy growth. Then again this is my first grow, but still. What's the deal P.S. These are my month and a half old plants, is there any problems????
I am using MG soil also and mine look good too. The main issues I have found people say is the time release fert because when you get to the point you are going to cut the buds off you can't flush the fert away and it makes the bud harsh. Liquid ferts that you add are not staying in the soil via pellets so you can flush out the fert you added with a lot of plain water the last few days before you cut it down. Also, it is kinda hard on the plant when it is young because it's like an overdose of fertilizer for new sprouts. How I plan on correcting this is when I move to 2 or 3 gallon pots I will use a regular non-fertilized soil so I can have some quality buds when it all done. But honestly your plants look great man! If it's working for you stay with it for now. We can always improve with our next grow! Maybe if you grow again try one with MG soil and one with something that is recommended here like Foxfarm and see if you find a difference in the end product. Good luck bro I hope to see more pics of your grow on here soon!
Most MG soil comes with time-released fertilizer added. That's bad for MJ for a few reasons -- too strong, not the best balance of nutes, feeding can't be controlled (since it's already in the soil). Especially bad for baby sprouts. But, some growers do succeed with it. Most would consider using it an unnecessary risk. Nothing especially bad about their fertilizer products, they are plain-jane chemical ferts which aren't particularly good, but no worse than products like Peter's or Schultz.
Yup, the organic soil though I've never had any problems with PH, or over-ferting even in sprouts. I've also used the fertilizers and enjoyed them. Cheap, and a lot more accessible than the really good stuff. MG gets a lot of hate because people don't use the right MG for their application.
Umm no, they taste like shit if you don't or can't flush, dry, and cure them properly. Which either means you don't know about flushing, or you can't flush because you're using time released fertilizer. Not all MG is time released. MG Organic Choice is 100% fine for growing.
I don't want to underestimate how hard it is to grow good plants. BUT I do think sometimes folks get too caught up in it and can *over* care for their plants and cause more harm than good. Cannabis is a very resilient plant - it's a "weed" after all. So go ahead and use MG, forget the naysayers, just make sure it flush it out properly.
I've used both MG Organic and Moisture Control. The only problem I've ever come across is the PH of the soil being very low.
i just cook my dirt in the oven for 10minutes then let it cool before i use, kills off anything harmful in the dirt
You can do the same thing by leaving it spread out in the hot sun on a summer day. I've seen someone here do it with a kiddy pool. As far as MG goes. I have grown 2 plants with the stuff, but don't like it. It complicates things as far as PH and nutes. It WILL work when you have to use it, but if there's another option, go for that. It's like the Geo Metro will drive you from point a to b, but wouldn't you rather do it in a Mercedes SLR?
MG products are not bad , i personally dont use them because of the FERT. Theres just no need for them. I like to feed my own plants. And with the reviews of fox farm is hard not to use them