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What's shake?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by PeacefulStoner, Jan 29, 2011.

  1. My brother is my dealer and he said he can get me an eighth of dank for 30 dollars because its shake. I asked him what shake was because that was the first time I ever heard that and he said the stuff on the bottom of the bag. I don't get it, is it like if I were to take a dank nug and grind it up?
    Thanks :smoke:

    Edit: sorry I meant to put this in apprentice
  2. kind of, its where parts of the nug fall off into little pieces its called shake its generally lower quality than the actual nug it fell off from
  3. It's usually a mix of crushed leaves and trichomes that fall off the nugs. 3.5 grams of shake isn't worth $30 IMO. I'd rather have the bud

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