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What's resin?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by L U A, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. I'm kinda confused. Is it the gooey stuff in the pipe that you can scrape off? Or is it when your green turns to ashes/powder-ish but is still smokeable?
  2. Resin is the gooey stuff in your pipe.
    Keif is the "powderish" green.

    Both are smoke-able.

  3. I believe that in this context (as opposed to resin on plants), this is what you're referring to...
  4. Thanks. I wasn't talking about keif though. When you're smoking a bowl it's no longer green after a while, but it still has a plant-like texture, and eventually that turns into something that's almost like ashes, but are still able to be smoked. Maybe I'm not making any sense whatsoever. But I see what you mean, resin is the gooey stuff then.

  5. ahhh you mean you are having other troubles distinguishing between what is ash and what is "good" to hit still? Usually I just keep smoking until their is only white ashes left.
  6. lol technically, resin is what kief is, resin is defined as an excretion from plants, which is what trichomes are, aka kief. Pipe resin is smoke residue, named incorrectly. :)
  7. Yeah that's what I mean. I'm never sure when I should stop. When it starts to lose it's texture it starts to taste like crap though.
  8. A good rule to go by is if you try and dump out the bowl by tipping it over and tapping it and nothing comes out then there is more to smoke. or just look at it and see that if there is black/green/charred material then hit that again.

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