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What's Preventing You From Growing?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by KushinIt, Jan 7, 2013.

  1. Since I can't smoke at the moment, I considered growing my own but my husband would be completely against weed growing in his house. I always wanted to give growing a try just to see if I'd be any good at it. I love everything about weed but he hates it. When I can smoke I always have to step outside. Opposites attract I guess!

    So what's stopping you?
  2. Nothing ! ^^
  3. Parents Lol
  4. I'll be honest.
    A mixture of paranoia and lack of effort.
  5. Build a shed and grow out of the house.
  6. I lack any knowledge of growing. For me personally it has to do with a lot of science and experience. and I'm not good with science. I want to grow so bad but it seems hard cause there so much science involved. But I'm willing to learn. I just want to meet one person who will show me the ropes. The basics. And I'll go from there. I wouldn't mind investing and putting time and effort in my grow. I would make a fucken business outta it.

    All I need is one person to show me the basics. :( one person :(:(
  7. My Grow is limiting me from growing more :(
  8. OP Like you, my girlfriend. She's not against marijuana, but her own fear won't let me grow :( I've even gone over every pro and con and everything that could go wrong...

    It's kind of frustrating too seeing how weed is getting harder to get my hands on especially in a medical state... At least for me... I once had 3 different dealers I could go through, now it's like... Zero...
  9. Priorities.
  10. Snow :mad:

    And threeish years ago my crop got picked... I've never been so mad in my life.
  11. I still live at home with my parents and whilst smoking MJ is semi-acceptable, growing is completely out of the question. Plus I live right next door to Police officers and they've known my family for years now.

    Also I lack the knowledge and the skills to set up and keep a grow going, I mean sure I could learn and I may do in the future, but for now its a no-go.
  12. No room nor the time/money to dedicate to a good one. If I'm gonna do it I wanna do it the best I can. Soon though, soon :)
  13. The Government...
  14. Nothing...once I move out. Which is can be growing soon :smoking:
  15. non grounded 2-prong outlets. Fuck this old house!
  16. Of all the things :laughing:
  17. i wish i could lol about it but as of right now i blew almost $400 on growing stuff and seeds for nothing......
  18. That's so shitty dude

  19. couldn't you get a converter?

  20. dude just go and find a simple starters grow guide and read it well and it's simple!

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