Whats one thing you take back?

Discussion in 'General' started by marquise10, Aug 1, 2012.

  1. If you could use a time machine one time & change something you did in the past what would it be?
  2. I'd go back and make sure I wasn't conceived.
  3. Never starting to play a fucking gay online game I was addicted to for years.
  4. [quote name='"m18"']Never starting to play a fucking gay online game I was addicted to for years.[/quote]

    I'm curious, what game was it?

    I would take back not doing AP classes... to get these hella expensive college courses out of the way
  5. Lmao runescape looking back I dont even know why I liked it.
  6. Id go back and get better grades in highschool.
  7. Are we going back in time as our current self or would we go back to being a certain age? Depending on which changes everything.
  8. I would never have started smoking. Cigarettes, of course. :smoke:
  9. My circumcision.
  10. [quote name='"Vicious"']Are we going back in time as our current self or would we go back to being a certain age? Depending on which changes everything.[/quote]

    Its anything you would want to change or do in life.....Mine would be do better in high school & getting into a relationship that wasted 6 months of my tine
  11. Fixed it ( :cool: ) for ya. :smoke:
  12. I would of never ate that taco bell burrito, i didnt make it to the bathroom in time.

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