For me it's just seeing the smiles on the young ones in my life when they open their gifts. But besides that, I will probably give myself another year of Disney+.
My list? To be happy. Simply. On a deeper level... Well. I know what I'd like but it's unrealistic, probably. So. I'll stick with happy.
Maybe a nice new bud vape, a pair of slippers or just some money. I really love giving gifts. I love seeing my husband's face when he opens his gifts. Christmas is just dope asf.
My birthday is in November, so this time of year I typically buy myself something nice. This year it was a new iWatch and a roborock vacuum. Also picked up a heated vest and hit the dispensary for some concentrate. My wife is not easy to buy for as she doesn't want anything and won't give any hints about something special she might enjoy. Well, I do know something she wants and it doesn't cost any money. She's feeling some distance from me and some extra affection and attention are called for. A hot time under the sheets would be one experience she would enjoy. I've got to step up.
I Don Ask For Much I Just Want My Family To Be Happy. II Wanna Getta Few New Outfits An Some New Books But Mainly I Already Got My Gifts Of The New Twins I Had On The 6th. Everyting Else I Buy For My Kids An Husband An Just Enjoy Seein How Happy They Are An Spend Times With My Family. I Hope Every1 Hasa Merry Christmas Tho On Here Too. ~Toni~
I would like for cannabis to become legal in Indiana. That's all I want for Christmas. Or I could do what my daughter wants me to do. Be in pain.
So far this month I've got myself like 6 games for my switch,more online for switch & I'm treating myself to an Oz for Christmas day lol I've got my mother some skin care products ect that females use & some chocolates, I've got the dog some treats/new toys & I've got to buy some alcohol for people & that's it , I'm not digging Xmas this year in all honesty lol
Nothing... xmas came early with legal weed and a new hobby. I wouldn't say no to a freeze dryer though. Cure weed over night instead of weeks of dry, and weeks of cure.
I bought a bunch of stuff recently. I got a new gel-infused memory foam bed, an s9 Ultra tablet with a nice fully adjustable stand and an over-bed table. It's my first tablet and is very nifty portable multi-media device w/ 15" screen. The screen on it is top notch and looks even better than my LG OLED. It's also amazing for emulating games (Ps2,Gamecube,N64,SNES) and can play older games with widescreen and a crisp high resolution. It can also work as a portable PC of sorts, you can plug it into any display with HDMI. I'll also most likely order a new set of tower speakers around new years, from a very talented and extremely generous speaker designer.
I bought myself 2 pairs of shorts, 2 shirts, some earrings, a watch and a ring. We're doing secret Santa and I got my aunt so I bought an expensive 2024 German shepherd puppy calendar. Edit: my aunt loves German shepherds. I don't usually buy myself anything but this year I had money and thought fuck it why not.
The things I want are not materialistic or something we can hold, or see or touch, what I want is screaming out from inside, not just today, but everyday, I want it, this desire, another voice, I feel this pressure from all around me squeezing me, saying my life wants more and that there is more out there; but I don’t know what it is. I think of that song from u2–I haven’t found what I’m looking for.
Peace on earth and good will to all men And maybe a a few zips of bud and a few stacks of cash, and games wouldn't be bad. Maybe Ill dream it tonight