whats it like being drunk?

Discussion in 'General' started by Hiddenclowns, Feb 9, 2009.

  1. fucking tits, i love it
  2. well theres a couple of stages to being drunk. theres the beginning where you feel really social and can talk to anyone about anything and nothing matters to you. you can control yourself but you might do some things you normally wouldnt do sober. then theres the part where you start getting droopy. your voice starts to get slurred and you cant walk straight. this is after 2-3 hours. after that i sometimes get either very angry or very sad depending on the situation. after that is when i pass out and wake up hoping i dont get a hangover. overall alchohol is fun but only if you keep it under control.
  3. meh, weeds better
  4. #44 Jaded, Feb 9, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 9, 2009
    didn't check ops location, but i'm assuming it's the states.
    drinking age is 21, so we may just have a law-abider on our hands, not an underager...
    i know people that are 18 and have never been drunk.

    p.s. someone said mixing weed and alcohol isn't a good idea... i disagree.
    the only time being drunk isn't so bad for me is when i am smoking, too.. so, meh.
    to each their own.
  5. I typically loose a lot of inhibitions but am in complete control of myself; when im drunk. Being shitfaced is a different story; stupid decisions are made at this point, haha.
  6. I dont do stupid things, but I sure do talk a lot
  7. I also enjoy smoking and drinking... But I think most people dislike it because they get drunk like I don't wanna/can't drink anymore and then smoke... You do get the spins then, its kinda fun though. Close your eyes and it feels like you are doing backflips.

  8. I have drank plenty of times but have never been drunk either. It's not really something I plan on doing for a while anyway...I always take a few shots or have a few beers and just feel sick. I never feel more outgoing either, I tend to go even further into my head.
  9. is this kid like 4? and did someone just say beer was not natural? WTF?
  10. beer, wine, vodka, rum, tequilla, whiskey, these will all give you slightly diffrenrt effects. but bassicly...say you just had a nasty day at work.... drink a few beers and youll forgett you even went to work. you old enough to work? lol

    you loose the ability to walk straight, make good decisions, and talk normally when your really drunk. you might say something personal about yourself to someone and then wish you hadent said it. but you'll just say whatever comes to mind at that moment without thinking "is this something i want this person to know"
  11. Yeah man being drunk is pretty cool too, i get way more fucked up when i'm drunk than when i'm high.

    I like my Captain Morgan rum shots and a few beers with buddies on a Saturday for sure.

    Most likely i'll be smoking too tho, so meh.
  12. Makes you feel like a retard. Sorry, best way I can describe it.:smoking:
  13. I <3 it. Although a rack every two days does work on the liver.
  14. I guess the more times you drink the more one learns to control him or herself while drunk. Yes, you still that euphoric I dont give a damn attitude but there are limits ... Being shitfaced blackout status however all your experience gets thrown out ...
    I hate being at a party and then suddenly waking up :eek:
  15. When your drunk you just feel much more loose, free, and a bit klumsy. It can be really nice at parties, I fucking love getting trashed.

    Drinking on pain medication can also add a new twist to drinking, but can be VERY DANGEROUs so don't do it... without caution :)
  16. its fuckin great. Almost enough to bring a tear to your eye its so beautiful.

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