What's in my backyard

Discussion in 'Picture Post Archive' started by CaNNaBiAn, Jun 19, 2002.

  1. Realy lovely plants take a look of theme gyez

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  2. loving plants

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  3. realy enormoous

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  4. Realy beuty buds

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  5. Sativa marijuana field in india

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  6. Hehe

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  7. dude you fucking lie, he got cuaght doing this on another forum too, if you lcose to the bottom of his pics you can see that something is blurred out, he takes pics off pages and post them on these types of forums to make peeps think he got what it takes, but all and al lyou dont, your just another lier..
  8. u got hosed...........................lmao
  9. dude you really dont have to lie to try and make friends on the net. its not that hard at all.
  10. yah that one with the big field and green house is is in mexaco and the fild in inda was apic on overgrow .com hay man dont lie just grow and than you can brag its not hard to grow thay wouldent call it weed if it dident grow like aweed sow throw some seed's in and grow peace every one
  11. I agree, you don't have to lie to kick it ;)
  12. this thread ........

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  13. i dont know if all yous guys saw this but he said were there are from exsip for the ones in his back yard ( the first pic)
  14. commericaly grown weed.... just isnt the same anymore... ust to get me high when i was a kid... now i dont even fdeel a thing

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