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whats illegal about it?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by PlAsId HiT, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. what is exactly illegal about weed? is it the THC that makes it illegal, or the plant? cuz i was thinking of trying a little plant genetic expiriment
  2. idk.. but alcohal is legal? and bud isnt?

    they dont want ppl smoking because of accidents and stuff.. but u shud only get arrested for bud, if you are "high driving"
  3. i know,. but if its the plant and not the THC thats illegal, i was gona try and find the closest relitive to the marajuana plant (yes i know hemp is but its also illegal) and cross breed them so the cousin has THC as well so its like ACTUAL legal weed with THC in it.
  4. pretty sure it's the whole plant, because i remember reading about a guy who created oranges fused with THC or something like that which essentially got you high after eating them

    and these oranges were legal :)
  5. i dont think u understood the OPs question.

    id say the plant and anything u can make with it. now that being said hemp is legal, but im sure theres some difference.
    Or maybe its canniboids? im pretty sure synthetic caniboids are legal.

    i dunno OP, good question, but if ur thinking of engineering a plant thats not marijuana to make it, good luck and if u succeed, post about it.
  6. Hops, like in beer, are almost marijuana.
  7. everything about it is, the plant, the buds, stems, everything that has any thc on it whatsoever is illegal..
  8. that might work, ive searched the internet everyware but i cant find any cousins of marajuana
  9. The better question is, what country are you from? Then you can ask what is illegal about it.
  10. it makes you think differently and people are afraid of that
  11. hemp is the male marijuana plant, which doesnt produce THC
  12. im pretty sure its the plant matter, THC, and canibanoids and anything containing any of those materials is illegal, so im pretty sure your SOL.
  13. hemps not necessarily legal. it is in other countries, and its legal to import hemp-products to the U.S. but you cant grow hemp here, its illegal. also, it does have THC in it, just not anywhere near enough to get you high.

    also, to OP, if they dont know its weed then its not illegal. but if this was really a revolutionary idea someone would have already done it. (and it sounds like someone did on a smaller scale)

  14. Hemp is just the industrial form of cannabis, usually the ruderalis and sativa genus.
  15. I didn't know they used ruderalis for hemp, I always assumed it was too short to make use of. That's cool.

    In the U.S., federally, any species of cannabis is illegal, regardless of THC content. Which is nice, since we're the biggest importer of hemp. It's the alcohol and tobacco lobbyists.
  16. i think its only the THC thats illegal
    i think the other cannabinoids are legal
    i read this somewhere but short term memory loss is a bitch:p
  17. Hemp is a subspecies of cannabis sativa. Weed has lots of relative like hops, but it cant be crossbred.

  18. not necessarily legal but i do know the united states has a patent on the medical use of cannabinoids. yes, the same country that has it listed as a schedule 1 narcotic with no known medical usage.
  19. [ame=]The Union[/ame]
  20. actually scientist have made "THC" its the same chemical compound as THC on ganja but for some reason its legal? So basically the government is a huge fucking hypocrite !:mad:

    Marijuana and the brain: scientists discover the brain's own THC. - Free Online Library

    Synthetic versions of THC are available with a doctor's prescription. In 1985, a lab-made THC received Food and Drug Administration (FDA ) approval as an anti-nausea agent for cancer patients (SN: 6/15/85, p.377). And in December 1992, FDA approved the same drug to combat the weight loss that afflicts some people with AIDS The People With AIDS (PWA) Self-Empowerment Movement was a movement of those diagnosed with AIDS and grew out of San Francisco. The PWA Self-Empowerment Movement believes that those diagnosed as having AIDS should "take charge of their own life, illness, and care, and to minimize
    ..... Click the link for more information..

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