What's death like in Grass City?

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by GGrass, May 6, 2011.

  1. When a blade dies, he is tranformed into a memory, and gets stuck in people's brains, and gradually decay into becoming, a "forgotten memory".

    How long it will take to completely become forgotten, depends on the intricate relationship between the remembering and the remembered.

    I saw my brother drown to death.

    And there was not a damn thing I could do about it.

    Now I have a memory of him.

    I remember his face.

    I remember his smile.

    I remember what he said while he was here.

    All the fucked up things he said... I remember.

    But I won't remember him forever.

    I will gradually forget about him, and one day, I would have forgotten about him.

    But he's not gone.

    He's still with me.

    He's right inside my brain, sleeping. Amongst many other forgotten memories.

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