Whats crackin from BC

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Grass4life, Jun 4, 2011.

  1. Hey what up. BC boy homegrown hell ya lol good pot here likin it alot. Good variety. Grew up in the interior of BC where the good shit is grown haha :hello: all i can say is hippopotamus and good deeds come to those who smoke kush lol I love the shit its all I smoke don't settle for anything less. Love smokin blunts. Joints have to be my fave they taste so goood. Secondly is my bong ill never get enough of the beast gets me flyin high fuck ya
  2. Hi welcome ;) :smoke: blunts arent my thing but once i smoked a 10g one with my bud and got a high of over 10 hrs ;D anyways welcome again and hope you like the site.... :smoke: :smoke: :smoke: :cool:

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