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Whats bigger, an eighth or 5gs?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by stonedkitty_xo, Oct 31, 2014.

  1. I just need to know if I've been smoking way more lately.
    My stash before this one was 5G's and it lasted me two weeks and a day, while the stash I have now is an eighth and it's only going to last me until Saturday, I'm assuming; which will have been about a week and two days. :p
  2. Wow! Wish I would've known that earlier.. Thanks tho :3
  3. No problem. Enjoy! :3
  4. Google is your friend, young fagawan.
  5. Somehow don't think this is a seasoned toker post.

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  6. half eighth is 1.7.
    eighth is 3.5.
    quarter oz is 7 grams.
    half o is 14.
    3/4 is 21.
    o is 28 gs...
    16 ounces in a pound, 4 ounces in a qp
  7. lmao i knew this before i ever saw weed for the first time.
  8. 5 Grams of course! :ey:  
  9. #10 5cooby Doo, Nov 1, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 1, 2014
    Nobody gave reasoning to this answer? This is why you don't skip math class!
    An EIGHTH = 1 OVER 8
    1 = 28grams
    8         1
    ^If you reduce that equation, 8 reduces to1, and 28 reduce to 3.5.
    Your answer = 3.5 OVER 1 = 3.5
    Had you have gone to math class you would have known this. ;)
    ....question for apprentice toker's section.
  10. Eighth my friend, an 8 is 3.5 grams
  11. Jinkies! Good post scooby doo, here's some scooby snacks. Go spark that blunt in the back of the van and me and shaggy will be right in

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