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whats better?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by burnie, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. now this is gonna sound like a stupid comparison but what do you guys think is better, a bong bought from a shop or a home made gravity bong?

    pro's and con's would be nice btw lol :wave:
  2. well, homemade bongs are usually more efficient. like you'll probably get higher off of less but they look dumb/hit harsh

    brand name bongs just look nicer/hit smoother. its luxury basically.
  3. Pro's of real glass is quality, consistency, the artword in it. Con's expensive, not easy to transport can break.

    Pro's of Grav are that it's super cheap, big hits Con's can break easily, can be harmful if using wrong materials, not so consistent, uses alot of bud.
  4. i have a sweet home made gravity bong and it works awesome and easy to make....but idk a bong is awesome too and looks alot cooler and works great...but if u have no money a gravity bong is sick
  5. plus bongs are easier to move around, and you will always love it. homemade stuff (to me) is something i make when i'm bored and after i'm done making and testing it i'm bored and want a bong
  6. bong from a store

    Pros- made of glass, gets you very high quickly, filters smoke using water( also no ash in your mouth)

    cons- can break easily, may be expensive, not very portable

    gravity bong

    pros- alot of smoke, cheap, disposable, not too hard to make

    cons- made with plastic, uses foil(sometimes), can be messy with all the water and such
  7. do you get more smoke from a gravity bong or a decent sized bong?

    just i'd probablies just stick to the gravity bong if the only plus side to a real bong is that it looks nice lol :p

  8. ahh that pretty much answered my question anyways lol, thanks for your thoughts guys :D
  9. i like bongs mainly because its great to see the different types of styles and the process of milking a bong has a special place in my heart. I do like gravity bongs though because they remind of middle school days.

    For me the pros and cons of a bong are
    Pros: easy to pass around when with people, the smoke cools, different parts to add to bong (diffusers, percs, ashcatchers, ice notches) etc.
    Cons: glass can brake, harder to hide if needed (waterfall bongs are easily disposable) and cost more.

    Pros of waterfall bong: hits hard, you can make it at home in less than 5 min.
    Cons: its harder to operate once stoned, hot cap if using a bit.

    Both are pretty different so its whatever seems right to you.
    Btw i think this has been discussed before but with all smoking divices.

  10. also i would say go for the bong. i have a toro it was pricey but well worth it

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