whats an easy way to dry the weed after growing? (cure)

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by potential84, Apr 29, 2011.

  1. whats an easy way to dry the weed after growing? (cure)

    thanks in advance.
  2. there is a whole sub forum on this topic
  3. If you have harvested already clip leaves from around bud so it looks like a well manicured bud that you would like to buy. Hang over hangers, clothes line....
    You want them to dry slowly and evenly. When it drys enough for the stems to snap not bend remove buds from stems and place in paper bag and close. When buds start to get dry on outside put buds in sealed jars and open to vent daily. This is drying buds in 3 stages slowly and evenly there is a chemical or enzyme or somthing that breaks down over a 2-3 week period from what I understand that gives it a bad taste that you are trying to avoid.
  4. Every thread you make someone tells you to read up on the basics..... So that they can help you a little better. Christ stop posting and start reading. Put a little effort in to it.
  5. :hello:

  6. Did you even click the link I gave you? ^That is a great guide, very simple, if you can't understand after reading that then I don't know what will help you.
  7. I like hanging branches to dry for like 4-5 days. Until the leaves are dry but the stem doesnt snap (meaning still some moisture). Then like 3-4 days in a brown paper bag, this dries it out more and slightly cures it. Then cure in airtight jars, letting them breath once in awhile. After like a week in the jars they start tasting/smelling decent and totally void of the "hay" smell. A month or two in jars is even better, but I think it tastes good enough to smoke some after the brown bag step.

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