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What's all this talk about mangoes?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by AlchemicalDependence, Jan 22, 2010.

  1. So I've been smoking for years and have never heard anything about mangoes, or anything else non-drug-related affecting your high. Today, though, I've heard 3 or 4 people saying that eating a mango a half hour or 45 minutes before you smoke getting you high. I've asked everyone where they've heard this, and nobody's given me an answer. So does anyone have any verifiable evidence about this? Because personally, I think it's just a rumor that a bunch of dumb mother fuckers believed and perpetuated.
  2. nah man you got it backwards. you eat da mango after you smiz.

    mangos are good as fuck, ya heard?
  3. Please use the search feature next time.

    There is a chemical in mangoes called myrcene which is a terpenoid. When the THC and myrcene is mixed with the plasma in your blood, a reaction occurs that allows a greater plateau for your high. This only applies thirty minutes to a hour after ingesting the mango but it is very true. Not to mention terpenoids are indefinitely proven and myrcene is definitely a terpenoid.
  4. #5 AlchemicalDependence, Jan 22, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 22, 2010

    See that's what I'm thinking. Those things are juicy as a motherfucker!

    I did, but nothing relevant came up. I probably should have googled it though, so my bad as far as that goes.


    Were you expecting to???

  6. Test and report!
  7. Yeah, I'd love to hear a report. We don't have mangoes here, only mango juice.
  8. me and 2 other friends did this, but whole mangos 30 minutes before smoking.
    We smoke one bowl out of a bubbler and we all agreed were were significantly higher than what we normally would be. we were really baked.
  9. This, myrcene eases the transfer of THC molecules across the blood-brain barrier.
  10. im pretty sure its true if u eat a mango before u smoke u will get higher, there is a chemical in the mangos that does this, i however have forgotten and and don't know what it's called, sorry.
  11. that is how you make a plasma grenade.

    1. smoke weed.
    2. eat mango
    3. draw plasma from your body
    4. put into air tight container
    5. attach fuse
    6. light fuse and throw
    7. enemies destroyed
  12. it's better if you hit the enemies than if if you just get it near them. that way it sticks to them and they're just plain fucked.

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