What's a decent, affordable vape?

Discussion in 'Vaporizers' started by AYOOOOOO, Feb 3, 2011.

  1. First off, I want a big boy vape so don't say Magic Flight Launch Box or MFLB. No offense to the MFLB owners, but that's cute little kiddy stuff and I want something more grown man.

    I was considering a Buddha because they're sleek, within decent price, and just fit my style.
    Da Buddha Vaporizer

    Does anyone know a better vape at good price?
  2. Da buddha for sure.. Also check out the extreme q on ebay..
  3. get da buddha. you won't regret it
  4. The MFLB is a great vaporizer. I don't know what ou're talking about, but the MFLB is the best portable vape on the market. The vape that's right for you depends on your needs in a vape.
  5. have you even used a mflb?
  6. #7 AYOOOOOO, Feb 3, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2011
    I never said it wasn't a good vape. I wasn't bad mouthing it at all.

    I just know that there's a ton of kids on here with MFLB's and all of them are the company's spokesman. Do you catch my drift? I didn't want everyone shouting ''MFLB" when I asked my question.

    I just want something that can I sit on my table and share with friends while looking sleek at the same time. Also, portability isn't a necessity for me.

    This is sleek and grown man.


    This looks like a toy


    No, and I don't have to.

    I want a Mercedes C63 AMG, not a Honda Civic EX

    I've heard of these. How's the construction quality?
  7. #8 lwien, Feb 3, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 3, 2011

    You want a big boy vape? You want a macho vape? Here ya go. Suck on this !!

  8. I get what your saying not to difficult...mflb is cool but i want something that is eye catching. You can go with a Volcano, expensive but thats kinda what you want.
  9. meh i have used a valcano i get the same high from my vaporgenie getting a mflb on the 5th i love portable vapes fuck the iolite to big the mflb fits all my needs getting a da buddah and a bong attachment to i like portability
  10. Buddha, SSV, or Vapor Brothers.
  11. Buddha seems to be the best option.
  12. No one gonna suggest the extreme q besides me? It has my attention over da buddha at this point..
  13. I just checked it out. It sorta looks like a drink shaker.
  14. imo if you are going to become a serious vaper and leave combustion behind you will need more than one vape. You need a home/desk top unit and you need a travel vape for when out and about. There are many great home vapes but imho nothing can beat the MFLB for portability and stealthiness. I personally own three vapes and am waiting for a fourth to be released(the VapeXHale Cloud). Different vapes for different circumstances. When the Cloud comes, if it is as good as it seems to be, I will sell 1 or 2 of my desk vapes but the MFLB is a must have for me.......perfect for when out running around

  15. The extreme q is much more versatile than the buddah tho as it can do what Buddha can plus bags...I strongly prefer the extreme q to the buddah hands down
  16. Can you explain further as to how it's better?

    I still haven't made my purchase yet.
  17. No problem.
    Main reason is versatility. The extreme q can do regular whips and vapor bongs but can also do bags, elbow packs, and fan hits through the whip.
    Second, I feel I get more hits off an extreme q pack than a Buddha pack so I feel it is more efficient.
    Third, whip can turn 360 degrees on extreme q making it easy to pas whip to friends, Buddha does not
    Extreme q is digital and comes with a remote, not the case with the buddah
    Need any more reasons let me know but I feel that's a good start :smoke:

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