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whatcha think

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Duncan2112, Jul 31, 2012.

  1. My new pickup, I was rushed soo i didnt weigh it but how much would you pay its reaaallly crystaly and verry smelly almost like pineapple
  2. What do I think? Horrible picture. That's what I think. How the hell can we tell if it's good when it's a couple dark green blobs?
  3. Did you take that picture with a toaster or an apple by chance?
  4. I love asking a question and getting only replies about picture quality. This isn't a photography forum. If you're not gonna help the cause, don't post.
  5. I'd pay no more than 5 dollars. It looks like somone took a lint roller to your nugs to get all the crystals off
  6. Twenty bux man
  7. The problem is, with a picture with quality as shitty as that, we can't help you. Sorry, man.
  8. need higher quality pic!
  9. My phone takes similar quality pics so I'm assuming its dank or you wouldnt post, it's a decent amount of nug though and it doesnt look seedy, does it get you stoned? :p
  10. really stoned
  11. sounds good[​IMG]
  12. looks like Mexican dirt weed
  13. It looks likes beasters. It's not the dankest of the dank, but not schwag either.

    Get stoned mate
  14. Looks like it was taken with a potato, but I'd pay about forty dollars. The picture isnt really clear so I can't tell.
  15. And how much did you pay for it

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