whatcha fellow puffers

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Whoami, Oct 17, 2001.

  1. High peeps. heard about grasscity at yahookah which i have posted on many times, and thought id come join and say high.My names Mark and im a 30 something toker whos been toking for 20 odd years, im pretty mellow but im afraid i have opinons on evething ;) ...
    I have a four year old son, my missus Lisa and im a househusband hah hah ;)
    I also moderate another forum at www.uk420.com ... so i enjoy discussions


  2. Good you made it, sorry for the login problems!

    hope you stay a while.

  3. Hi WhoamI

    It is great to have such a lot of active people around here. Hope you'll like it here.

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