what you doin today

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by relakit3, Oct 30, 2009.

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  1. yo blades. parad 2 of dem blue xannies 113lbs ripped my bong gonna vape some o dat heeeads in mr vapppppoborodo.

    what yall homies up to?
  2. going to a rave tonight...have e/blow/weed but not sure what im gonna do.
  3. had too wake up at 7:30 for court:confused: just an arrenment went fine just have another court date in december second I gott out I got 4 1mg k- pens droped one and snorted one (I know it has shit ton of binders in it but I didnt care) then ate another one I have one left and it is 10:29 thinking of eating it what do you think think I should eat another one Ill let you tell me what I should do
  4. Im about to smoke half a blunt left over from last night :hello:
  5. I was supposed to go to a rave tonight to barnyard boogie but it is 25 dolars to get in so I decided I would just chill out today and got to banger ball on nov 7 but go with the x dude a rave sucks on coke save the coke for a whore at the club
  6. How much would 4 vics cost near you? im picking some up yoday i dnt wana get ripped off
  7. 5s or 10s

    7.5seally go from $2-7
    10s- 5- to 8
  8. He got me 2 10s and 2 5s
  9. 10s go for 4-7
    5 go for 2-4
  10. After work I'm going to smoke some grass, then cut some grass, then drink all my good decisions away.
  11. Yep todays Halloween. Don't think I'm gonna do anything to major. Just gonna just with a couple friends, buy some booze and puff on some good herb and have a good night!

  12. i like how you say that then follow up with dosage advice
  13. You celebratin' them there two day Halloweens?
  14. hahaa +rep someones ripped:wave:
  15. getting my tat done today
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