I thought this was a question I had to really think about. I'll start. I first smoked back in 7th grade. It was April 20th. Before that point, my grades were Ds and Bs, I had anger issues, I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder, I had sleep problems, I hated the world, I hated myself, and most of all I almost ended up in a mental home for suicidal thoughts. Mental breakdowns almost every day. After I started smoking, EVERYTHING listen above changed for the better. I don't think it was just the weed but it sure as hell had something to do with it. So if I never hit that blunt on 4/20, I don't think I would be so successful today.
I would be an american ignorant towards drug culture, thinking weed and all these other substances are bad.
I would be, for the most part, the same person. I started smoking as a freshman in highschool. Since I was in 7th grade, I was thinking to myself, 'man, I bet this weed stuff's pretty great. I should give it a try" but I turned it down everytime it was offered to me, and I grew up in a heavily gang patroled area in the southside of chicago so it was offered to me on a daily basis I just knew it was my time and I waited a couple years Marijuana, at first, made me talk about it all day like it was my business for the first 5 or 6 months I was smoking then I realized that it improved my lifting by about 70% and completely cut out my "sore" period after lifting that used to last 3 or 4 days so I could get in more weights faster and more efficiently almost like a steroid so I guess, if I never smoked weed, I wouldn't hold weight lifting records in my old highschool It never really influenced my choice in music, I was always a metal head and because of the area I grew up in, rap also played a large part in my musical development but I tried to find the real, melodical music in metal and rap, not just the wayne and anthrax it also changed my taste in food I started using mass amounts of condiments such as mustard, hot sauce and bbq sauce I assume smoking 8-15 blunts a day killed my taste buds pretty good so I needed intense flavors to taste my food it also helped me imagine out flavors in my recipes before i cooked anything and everything i cook is off the top of my head nothing was ever written down, read off someone else's recipe or measured out somehow, while high, i was able to figure out perfect ratios to get the exact flavor i wanted other than that, weed probably stopped me from getting a lot of girls since I was seen as the pot head/druggie of my school i was a great athlete but I was and am over weight i have and always had, since i was in 7th grade, a full beard and i've been growing my hair since I was in fifth grade with the occasional trim to make sure it doesn't pass half my back
as much as i smoke now, i cant imagine my life without weed. it has helped me deal with all the tramatic experiances i've experianced, like going through a break up with my bf of 3 years. as well as being a 22 year old trying to make it on her own in the big city. it chills me out after work or when im stressed or anxious. im like that alot... i realized this started rambling on into the reasons i like smoking weed instead of what my life would have been like lol. ignore the faded rambling
I wouldn't know, because I smoke marijuana, derp derp but nah I would have a fuck ton of more money I know that...
It's already worse, if your so dependent upon weed it has become your personality...... Looks like maybe stopping would be a good thing...
but if you want to be logical about the OP thread question... None of us would know much aside from the fact that we would have more money... Because if you never smoked it, you would never really know..you dig?
Who says I'm dependent on weed? Before weed (5 or 6 years ago) I was that kid who was completely clueless. Now I know things that the average person would be too straight to even care about. Even the average toker. to you good sir, don't be so quick to make assumptions
if i never started in the first place? better. but i also think itd be better if i had just started a few years later and didnt develop such aggressive patterns of abuse.
My life would be terrible. Half of my personality is thanks to marijuana, Everything would be so...different, for the worse. I met almost all of my friends thanks to my lovely habit. If I didn't smoke, I would probably be a shy, lonely hermit who stayed inside his house all day.
- I'd either be more depressed and unhappy with life, or dead. - I wouldn't have the group of friends I have now, which would definitely be a bad thing. - I wouldn't be able to get along with people for longer than 10 minutes (tops). - I probably wouldn't be able to mac on the ladies as well as I've been able to since starting (not that I am now, but when I was single and smoking, daaaaayum) - I'm more aware about drugs and usage, and now use marijuana to treat most of my ailments. The pills I was prescribed before did nothing but make me worse. The only positive I could think of that would come with not smoking marijuana would be having an extra $300+ a month.
it would definately be shit. looking bact to middle and early highschool, I was really depressed most of the time. I had no self confidence what so ever, and I greatly underestimated my own potential. My freshman year of high school, I signed up for all core classes. I was miserable, and I felt like I wouldn't amount to anything, and every day it seemed like it was getting worse. I never considered myself suicidal, but I feel pretty confident that If I never got over my depression, I would've killed myself before I graduated. In 10th grade, I decided that I wanted to try something different. I smoked weed for the first time, and I kept thinking about a few glaring examples of stupidity and ignorance that came from people who I thought were smarter than me, and I realized that I am at least their equal. I decided that I would try an AP course my junior year to see how that went. I kept smoking, and my grades dramatically improved. before I started smoking, I did research into other psychoactive compounds, I found the biochemistry behind that absolutely fascinating, and I decided that I wanted to try psychedelics and MDMA (before I took my first hit, huh, blows the gateway effect out of the water) I continued researching it, and I can say that drugs have lead my to my core interests. I graduated with a 3.5 without trying at all, and I got accepted to Duquesne University, I'm a biochemistry major. Basically weed has completely turned my outlook on life around, cured my depression, revealed to me my true potential, and helped me find my true passion in life. If I never smoked weed, I don't think I'd even want to be alive.
Well I just so happen to be able to see into parallel universes, so let's see. Damn, I would have opened up a business and sold it for billions of dollars. Eh, it was worth it.