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What would you recommend?

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by Barack Obama, Aug 4, 2013.

  1. #1 Barack Obama, Aug 4, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 5, 2013
    What would you recommend to a new smoker. A new smoker that may very well suffer from anxiety, and bipolar disorder. What strain would you recommend to young man to turn his life around from seclusion to someone people would want to be around. What would make the young man outgoing? Outgoing to crowds and people he wasn't comfortable around before the weed?
    I came up with this list of strains I can find nearby, and might help:
    Blueberry Kush (only because it's local.)
    Cherry Pie
    (And the following to help me be outgoing.)
    Juicty Fruit
    OG Kush (Don't know if I want to be lazy.)
    Pineapple Express
    More info on myself: I am secluded. I like being locked up in my room all-day as I feel comfortable by myself. The only person I really allow into my life is my ex girlfriend. And she is now my ex as we always argued because of my short temper and jelaous attitude. She decided she had enough of my shit and left me. And now that's she's out of my life I practically have nobody. I was offered a job and I didn't show up on my first day as I felt awkward being around people.
    I am careful and try not to offend anybody. I hate being stared at or being the subject of conversation. When there's a family party at my house I rush to my room, listen to music, and shut the door. I want to be outgoing. I want to have fun with anybody that comes over to my house. I don't want to be mad at the world and alone.

  2. #3 Barack Obama, Aug 5, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 5, 2013
    OP updated.
  3. I'd stay away from any very strong Sativas with the anxiety issue and if you want to interact and be outgoing, you'll probably want SOME sativa influence. Sooooo, if it were me, I'd look for a hybrid that is around 50-70% Indica where you'll be laid back, but not couch locked. Of course, I know nothing about anxiety and I'm sure it's different for a lot of people, so don't take this post as fact....just an offering of my opinion.
    Thank you for your input. I appreciate it. I went ahead and added some more information about myself, and I hope it helps. As for Indica there a website that will offer that information on strains?
    Leafly has some information.
  6. Oh, and after reading your original post that you edited, you and I have some similarities. I'm perfectly content being a hermit and just kicking it with my children 95% of the time. Remember that if you over analyze things normally, some strains will make this worse. Whenever I would get overwhelmed when consuming, I would just remind myself that I'm fine and it will pass....and it did. Moderation is key for beginners. Don't want to be overwhelmed and decide to never touch weed again because it truly is an amazing plant. One of the few things in this world that I consider perfection.
    Yeah that's the website I've been using for my reasearch, but is there a wesbsite that will show me how much Indica is included in a hybrid?
  8. #9 Pie Romania, Aug 5, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 5, 2013
  9. Just pretend, its always worked for me. 
  10. Man you shouldn't be trying to use weed as a vice for social anxiety. And it can make mental disorders even worse if you aren't careful.
    What do you reccomend?
  12. Honestly, the first thing I'd have to recommend is a counselor. I know, counselors freakin' suck, but if you can find a good one that you're comfortable with it helps sooooo much. I thought they were all judgmental, manipulative whackjobs for a long time, and then I met one who I was just plain comfortable talking to, and she helped me sort everything out.
    I don't know man. I had problems with severe anxiety and panic disorder, so I can understand the difficulties you face, but I've never experienced it to the point you described. Like, if weed helps you to be social, sure, smoke up, just try not to let it be the only way you can socialize. I guess think of it more as a learning tool, like training wheels?
    As for that last line, about being mad at the world and alone. Go ahead and call me a nutjob for this, but I'm recommending a book. The Dharma Bums, by Jack Kerouac. At one point in my life I was a real cynic, depressed, no friends, suicidal, all that jazz. But that book completely changed my outlook on the world, and on people. It's difficult to explain how. But it's a book I've loaned to a few close friends, and I swear they changed too.
    Anyway, that's my two cents, ignore it if you want, but I hope it helps
  13. Having that name will bring unwanted attention from certain groups of people who collect data

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