What would you do if you were the last person on the world?

Discussion in 'The Artist's Corner' started by greenbong, Feb 17, 2013.

  1. Hi,

    I know this is a scumbag technique, but I have an oral (speech) for English tomorrow, and the topic is on what I'd do if I were the last person alive. It has to be about 2 - 3 minutes in length.

    Any help appreciated...
  2. probably drive a ferrari off a cliff at over 200mph
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  3. Whatever you felt like doing. Whenever you felt like doing it.

    Assuming the scenario was something like in the film 'I am legend', minus the nasties obviously, where the world is intact and you just use/acquire what you need as you come across it. You'd probably do that for some time, try to be happy in your solitude, wander about, wonder if there was someone else out there, then when you've had enough of the loneliness, shoot your brains out.
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  4. I'd plant weed everywhere in the hope that future generations will learn from their mistakes.

    Oh and i'd go to a museum and use the dinosaur bones as a slide.
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. how you would turn the world into an art studio
  6. Easy. I would get myself into a vehicle, fill'er up and drive to the nearest military facility containing an air strip, gather all and any instructional videos and information on operating one of their flying machines, whichever is easiest. (Heli, jet. etc.) Take as long as I needed to learn, then I would hop in and explore the world.

    Maybe I'll even find that island from LOST.
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  7. This!
  8. finally be able to jerk it in peace.
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  9. I'd smoke myself numb and once i got bored and extremly lonely (about a week or two) I'd overdose on an unmentionable and go peacefully
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  10. I would find the nearest weapon store and just start fucking shit up! I think it would be badass to build some pipe bombs or something just to fuck around.
  11. I would go everywhere I would normally never be able to go (white house, NATO headquarters, Vatican, etc. etc.). Keep a huge stash of spraypaint and catch spots at the white house, NATO headquarters, Vatican, etc etc. I would jack off all over the white house, NATO headquarters, Vatican, etc. etc.
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  12. Yeah i would definitely have to set up camp somewhere. After Ive properly learned to fly one of their machines I would fly to a nearby location. Something with forest maybe, or a lake. I`de build base camp. Every morning I would wakeup and fly to the military base and shoot some guns, fire a tank. Eventually I would find my way to Area 51 and have a look what all the fuss was about.

    If it turned out to be nothing I would go poke around NASA for a bit and see about launching into outspace to end it all with a bang (Confession time, I set every nuclear warhead and military explosive in the world, at least what I could find, it`s all going to blow at the precise moment I reach the moon. Time to find out what they were hiding up there, fuck Earth. Would never make it back without a proper crew anyway)
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  13. Portable space heater + dead hot girls. :bolt:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  14. I would explore the country! I prefer peace and quiet anyway so the dead silence wouldnt be too bad. I would eventually miss people though.
  15. If I was female, I would find a lab and clone a dude using my own eggs. Then use that clone to re-start the human race.

    Buttt I doubt I would be the last person on earth because of natural selection.
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  16. HOLY SHIT. That's right. Clones are a real thing now, remember hearing about a dog being cloned. Damn. We live in the future.

    Would make hundreds of thousands of duplicate me's. I would give ranks, seperate teams. Hand out weapons, ammo. Then everyone goes to New York. Or another massive city.

    24 hours to each team, set up base camp.
    I would leave the only cloning machine locked away in the worlds strongest vault.
    Cloning one more me, I give him vault co-coordinates and key, then drop him off in the city. Poping a flair at the same time indicating the prize was now in the city.

    Let all hell break lose.
  17. Lol, dude cloning isn't like what you see in the movies, it doesn't require a machine, it requires a womb.

    Come to think of it this plan will still work for dudes, you just got to find some frozen eggs in a lab and some frozen cells of hot women and plant the eggs in the womb of an animal similar to a human. Then start re-populating earth.
  18. I don't think it would be humanly possible to launch a space craft with just one person. For the first part, the launch takes nearly an entire day and you can't launch the shuttle from within the craft, so you would have to have some way of remotely triggering it.
  19. porn, comics, and weed.
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  20. Y'all just trying to poke holes in my plan...

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