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What would you do…..

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Enzo$&@123, Dec 9, 2023.

  1. Someone asked me what it would cost to buy a whole plant. He just wants a mature girl he don’t have to worry about. Haven’t discussed trimming it or the bush. Is that even a thing ?

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  2. I'd sell him a plant. There are folks here in VA who sell seedlings and more mature plants if you know who to ask. I don't see why it couldn't be a thing.
  3. What would you charge

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  4. I have no idea. What is it worth to you? Can you grow all you want/need and spare a plant? If you were going to sell your bud anyway just figure out what the plant is worth to you. If it's boutique cannabis and quite valuable it's a different story than if it's a plant from the back yard where there is plenty more. A whole plant would be quite dear to me as I can only legally grow four.

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