What Would Yall Do?

Discussion in 'High Ideas' started by Dizzy, Apr 20, 2022.

    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. I'd listen to my gut instincts. They've never let me down yet.
    • Creative Creative x 1
  3. Which Would Tell You What Lol?

  4. It all depends on my instinctual reaction. If my instincts aren't screaming then I'll go for it. If they are screaming then I'll want nothing to do with it.

    Instinct is a powerful tool if you can tap into it. Years ago I was at a friend's house smoking some killer hash oil, doing up some bbq and playing NASCAR on the Playstation. All of a sudden out of nowhere every fibre of my being was screaming to get the hell out of there. I tried to ignore it figuring it what just a result of being really, really high but it wouldn't go away. Finally I made up some excuse to head home.
    Found out the next day that his dealer sent some muscle to his house about an hour after I left because he was into her for 5 large and she wanted payment one way or the other.
    • Creative Creative x 1
  5. That's Pretty Good You Was Able To Avoid Them. What Happen To Your Friend? I Got Pretty Good Instincts Too Better Then I Used To Be Anyways. After I Got Attacked Back In My Home Country Jamaica I Read People An Vibes Alot Better Too. It Never Gonna Happen Like That Again.

  6. Holy shit! That's intense! I'm sorry to hear about those two people dying but I am glad you were rescued and okay. Wow that's a lot to deal with at a young age tho! You're a survivor! God bless you!
    • Friendly Friendly x 1

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