What would it take to change President Obama’s stance on marijuana policy?

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by budjones, May 9, 2013.

  1. What Will It Take To Change Obama's Stance On Marijuana Policy? | The Weed Blog

    Marijuana consumption is not going to go away in America, ever. Anyone who thinks that it will has not looked at history. Support for marijuana reform is growing daily, and it's only a matter of time before marijuana prohibition is over. Future generations will look back on marijuana prohibition and determine that marijuana opponents were idiots, and wonder how they were able to keep prohibition in place for so long.
  2. what that dude in cleveland referred to as "cohones"
  3. #3 RooksYR, May 9, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: May 9, 2013
    Throw a couple hundred million at him and he might even go up on that pole.

    As you can tell im seriously disappointed by what Obama has said he would do but not done. Medical raids, not closing Guantanamo ect.

    I don't think he will change his mind till he is out of office.

    EDIT: In the comments of that article someone posted;

    "Everyone listen up! While they continue to set us up and bust us every 45 seconds, we seem to be having trouble getting this done thru the proper channels. We ALL need to start applying jury nullification, in each and every case of cannabis persecution. If you are 'requested' to perform jury duty, then you need to pass the vetting stage and get in there and vote not guilty, no matter the evidence.
    JURY NULLIFICATION. Live it, learn it, practice it."

    maybe that might get him to change his mind.
  4. If we're going to see any action from Obama it's going to be after the 2014 congressional election. Until then he can't risk smudging the appearance of the democratic party. The last two years of presidency is when everyone puts in all their personal laws.
  5. When the bakers quit making money from the green market it will end
  6. [quote name='"Doormouse"']If we're going to see any action from Obama it's going to be after the 2014 congressional election. Until then he can't risk smudging the appearance of the democratic party. The last two years of presidency is when everyone puts in all their personal laws.[/quote]

    I hate Obama, but if he legalizes weed, I think he would instantly become my favorite president of all time. (Behind Thomas Jefferson and JFK of course)
  7. If I was president I would legalize the shit out of weed. I'd be put in the history books for it, well and for being president. Lol He needs to stop being a bitch, is what he needs to do.
  8. what would it take? for us to all find out one of his daughters is a pothead and grows weed in the whitehouse garden. or maybe for the alcohol and tobbaco lobbyists to stop paying him their annual check im sure his campaign gets.

    but seriously i hate obama on this issue, if he had been caught with weed he would not have been president, but he jokes about it.
  9. Yea Obama is such a fucking hypocrite when it comes to legalizing cannabis. Him and his goddamn fucking "choom gang". What a dick.

  10. I will bet you two goat ropins that Obama cannot pass a hairburn test now! I bet you 3 polar bear rides him and Holder have some of the best shit in the country:devious: :mad: :smoke:
  11. [quote name='"claygooding"']

    I will bet you two goat ropins that Obama cannot pass a hairburn test now! I bet you 3 polar bear rides him and Holder have some of the best shit in the country:devious: :mad: :smoke:[/quote]

    I can see obama hotboxing the Oval Office lol.
  12. Yea he doesn't even need to force legalalization, he just needs to let the states (aka the voters) decide what is right or wrong; who could say no to good old democracy? And don't even talk about UN treaties yada yada, they pick and choose when they want to abide by those things..

    Tell me; where did you get three polar bear ride tickets to be able to place them on the table?

  13. They were right beside the unsold Steelers tickets at Second Hand Sports..
  14. LOL..if his daughters would get caught he'd probably go hard as fuck in cracking down on marijuana, under the guise of some bullshit like Regan and the 'Just say no!'.

    I thought that he would just keep his mouth shut and actually focus on shit that has this country fuming lately..unemployment,gun control,war, AND he would just let states do it on their own. Under his administration more dispensaries have been raided then under BUSH?? SMH. I don't understand, bitter old republicans who want to make a point and obama just wants to stay out of it? But then he does that bullshit in Mexico recently so I don't know what to think.
  15. #16 claygooding, May 10, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: May 10, 2013
    The funniest part about all those dispensary raids is the lack of people willing to fight in court in states where the voters(jurors)voted the crimes the feds are charging people with as a legal activity.
    My suspicion is that most were not state compliant however with no trial we will never know. If everyone that was charged with any marijuana crime demanded a trial by jury they would be forced to do something,,or the courts would be grid locked for decades.

    PS:I have been busted 4 times for marijuana since 1972,,my first,,delivery of a controlled substance to a state narc followed by a couple of possession charges and my last possession over 4 oz,,felony in
    TX,,and have went to trial on all,,no convictions,,all public defenders and the last one no lawyer at all,,but it threw the local DA into a fret when I showed up at his office the day following the Grand Jury meeting asking for my indictment so I could get to work on my case,,charges dropped,,however they kept my grow lights.
    All it takes is cajones and total frustration with a system.:smoke:
  16. The role of President acts as a lobbyist for the corporations. His financial backers want something passed, and he gets enough Congressional creeps together to vote for it to get their kickbacks.

    Term limits may put a crimp in the Presidential lobbyist's style. The deal making would be never-ending if the old "tried and true" prohibitionists were let go by the people. Hell, they may need TWO presidents then! Oh wait! lol!
  17. Obama's quote-unquote "stance" on legalization would change in a matter of seconds if he stopped sucking those greedy Corporate Liquor/Tobacco Lobbyists' dicks. Obama (along with every other Senator, Representative, Governor, etc) is nothing but a snivelling Capitalist puppet.

    Politicians have always been, and always will be, industry whores.

    Anyways, stay high, my friends. :smoke:
  18. He's been so busy sucking "health" and pharma corporation dick, he's run out of time for a lot of other things. No worries!! :D
  19. It'll be once he's retired from politics, and therefore won't feel that he's putting his career in jeopardy.

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