What would it take for you to kill another human being?

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by Durchii, Jul 7, 2010.

  1. #1 Durchii, Jul 7, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 7, 2010
    A deeply personal question. For many of us, a question with hard-driving spiritual ramifications; for others, a question that gives off a sense of stinging morality driven by years of personal philosophy.

    Still, those of us who are even relatively in tune with the world that we find ourselves living in today understand that this is a question that every person needs to come to terms with. You never truly know when the day will come that you may have to defend something, or someone, that you love, and it is your moral responsibility as a person to fully understand what your threshold is, when it is necessary to cross it, and what the ramifications are for crossing it.

    So, what would it actually take for you to do the deed?

    One the one hand: Self defense? Defense of family? Defense of personal property? Defense of total strangers? Defense of your country? Your culture?

    And on the opposite hand: Acquisition of respect? Acquisition of money? Acquisition of territory? Perhaps for nothing else but the pure sake of ending another person's life?

    Many of us have at least one. Which are yours? Under what circumstances?

    Would you ever end another person's life?

    [Let it be known that I would like everyone to check their egos at the door for this thread. Truly analyze the question, sit with it for a while if you must, and don't allow yourself to change your answer because you believe it will make you look like anything more or less than you are.]
  2. I would kill another human being if my loved ones were at risk of being killed, as an option of final resort, of course. Although I believe death is merely a significant chapter in each of our lives, the well-being of my family is something I truly hold onto, and I will protect them even if it means killing another individual.

    Though, killing would be a last resort and truly depends on the circumstances. A gang of human beings trying to attack my family = I'll kill off as many as I can. I would never kill for revenge, money, power, etc.
  3. #3 Shanx420, Jul 8, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 8, 2010
    The only thing that would make me want to kill someone is hate and I think you probably shouldn't let your actions be affected by that emotion.

    But I would regretfully kill people if I had to in my own defense or the defense of someone or something I valued enough. That's just cause and effect if you ask me. It's never wrong to defend. Sometimes physical matters call for physical actions.
  4. in defense of my resources, offspring and myself.

    a mate is replaceable, im here to reproduce so i shouldnt waste what i create and if im in a situation where someone is threatening my life by taking my resources their head is coming off.

    i wouldnt feel good about the situation and i would indeed rather talk things through and make an ally but, this isnt always possible.

    death is to be respected, especially when giving it out yourself. one day we all are taken by death, never give it without properly respecting its properties before hand.

    i feel a deep respect for the native american tribes for when they would show such immense respect for what they killed.
  5. No one has the right to take from another, whether that be material posesions or their most valuable posesion, life.

    My philosophy on the matter is its only permissible to take the life of another in self defense or in defense of others, and only as a last resort. It is not permissible to kill over any material possessions. The death penalty should be abolished.

    As a soldier there are questions you have to ask yourself "what are you fighting for?" and make up your own mind.

    is it for country? oil? power? or are you fighting to save an oppressed people, in defense of the lives of others?
  6. If they touched my stash

    Up high

  7. Agreed. +Rep
  8. No ones life is more important than mine ( could change when i have kids or get married) but current, my life is more important. So if I think my life could be in danger, and I see an opportunity to alleviate that danger, Ill do what needs to be done ( kill). Survival of the fittest.

    I love my life enough to defend it.
  9. The second that I feel my life is threatened.
  10. All it takes is a few weeks of military training and a defined "enemy".
  11. Klondike bar.
  12. I kill for fun.
  13. When absolutely needed, circumstances vary.:smoke:
  14. Three reasons I can think of:
    -Defense of my family or friend.
    -Creating a free society. Although, that seems futile. Is corruption and tyranny escapable, or a trait (Greed) humanity can't shake?

    Not to rock the ethics boat, but does anyone feel there are levels of humanity that would be much easier to kill? Say... arms dealers that sell to both sides. Or... bankers that run a slavery-like system of perpetual debt. I have no doubt that economic gods, with some exceptions, view peasants no differently then cattle.
  15. They would have to be willing to kill me, then there would have to be an attempt, depending on the difficulty a scuffle will initiate, and could end in death.
  16. Depends on the situation and person. Murder is easy after you adopt the view that no matter what you do in life in reality there is no exact good or evil, but I'm not a blood thirsty monster looking to go on a rampage through "innocent" people. Let's just say I keep my options open.
  17. You sure?

    Never had to deal with such a situation... doubt it will ever arise.

    What if you defend an empty space? What if emptiness is what creates the "physical?"

    Is "resources" Decepticon for money?

    What makes your life more important than another's? What if they say their life is more important? Who's right?

    Do you not love others' lives?


    What's the point of even entertaining this idea? You say that if something happens, you'd kill... but what if that something happens and you don't feel like killing?
  18. couldnt of said it better
  19. Self defense or defense of others. Those are the only two I could ever really justify, and even then it would probably haunt me.
  20. I'd rather be killed than take a life

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