what would happen to marj jane prices if legalized among other things........

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by potblower, Jan 23, 2010.

  1. would the price of weed drop/rise, more available?, run small grows and sellers out of business, do u want weed to be legal?..........i think its fine how it is, but seeing how it could help the econ. more people are considering it....whadda u guys think :smoking:
  2. In the case of full legalization. Like anyone and their granny can grow. The price would plunder to almost nothing.
  3. Pretty sure if it was legal I would just grow my own.
  4. If it went full legal, most people would just grow their own and the market would be shot, making store bought product dirt cheap OR it would go the other way and if you had to buy, you'd get charged out the ass...

    At which point you'd likely know someone who's growing..
  5. I don't think that many people would grow though. Look at cigs, prices and straight up ridiculous and you can buy "mini cigars" or cigars for much cheaper, or just buy tobacco and roll it yourself, yet people prefer to pay outrageous prices so yeah.

    I would buy, fuck that I'm not much of a grower myself.e
  6. Growing tobacco and making it smokeable is alot more involved than weed

  7. True, but at the current prices for cigs, I'm surprised many aren't doing it. And I also meant how cigars, hookah and rolling tobacco is cheaper, yet people prefer buying cigs so I'm sure there would be many that turn to buying marijuana.

  8. Im pretty sure people wouldnt go crazy over cigarette prohibition, much less growing their own tobacco
  9. we live in a state of convenience, why grow for 4 months when you can just go to the store and buy it... i bet it is a lot harder growing weed then it is to brew beer, yet you don't see the beer market stumbling, just like some people brew their own beer doesn't mean everyone will... you can grow vegetables but theres still a vegetable market very wealthy one at that...
  10. The price would drop dramatically for 2 main reasons.

    1. The supply of trees would go alot up b/c many more people would grow it, economics shows that price drops when supply increases.

    2. The price of weed now is mostly dictatated by the risk involved with growing and selling the product. When legalized, the black market drops out as there is longer a need for the illict risk of providing weed. The fewer hands it passes through, the cheaper the price will be.
  11. there will be more growers but many wont grow. I could grow right now and i dont. I just go and buy it. Dispensaries are proof positive that people who legally can grow will purchase it and that this is a fully taxable commodity.

    Yes many will grow.. many more will not.

    I think prices will go continue to go down.
  12. What would happen to energy prices if water were allowed to be used as fuel?

    I own energy stocks so I'm pretty comfortable with the way things are now. :mad::confused::cool:

    Keep paying that premium price. You're making me wealthy.

    Yea, artificial markets are a great thing for humanity. A few win, most lose, and the winners from both sides use every available means to maintain the status quo.

    Adam Smith must be smiling somewhere at this validation of his invisible hand. See what happens after amputation?
  13. ^ greed at its finest
  14. I feel prices would plummet because everyone will trying growing and selling. Price will be mainly be based on quality after that in my opinion. Some people will still make a decent amount selling if they can provide high quality stuff.

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