What would happen if you took a volcano bag and stuck it in

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by GoldenGrams, Feb 16, 2011.

  1. your butt and then forced the vapor into your butt?
  2. you would fart out a bunch of vapor made of oils, which would lubricate your ass and make you have explosive diarrhea all over everything
  3. I'd keep doing it untill my ass was dirty with resin, scrape it and call it ass hash and sell it 200 dollars a gram.
  4. Im pretty sure your friends wouldn't hit your vape ever again.

  5. I know right? Why hit the vape when you can hit my chocolate rosebud?
  6. You'd get high
  7. You'd get more than high.
  8. why would one even wonder this?
  9. You'd never smoke with me again.
  10. You would have to be really high haha
  11. Just...

  12. I don't know but I'm subbin this thread
  13. ffs, i just lold so hard...
  14. You'd probably ruin your body forever, resulting in pooping out of your mouth, and forcing food through your ass for the rest of you life =/
  15. Perhaps you'll discover the cure for colon cancer
  16. You'll resinate the dick of any man who has anal sex with you.
  17. And who said edilbes tasted bad? ;)
  18. Then you can suck it clean and get high off that. :eek:
  19. There's only one way to discover this, and it rhymes with "lie mitt trout".

    It'll make a great story to tell in twenty years: "Hey, did I ever tell you about the time I forced cannabis vapor into my rectum?" "No, that sounds disgusting." "Yeah, disgustingly awesome, biatch!"

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