what words do you not like

Discussion in 'General' started by greenbrad420, Nov 9, 2011.

  1. Words you dont like hearing

  2. moist. ointment. scalp. comma, anus. secrete. rural.
  3. when people use the word Diggs for a place they live, that gets under my skin.
  4. work
  5. Apropos
  6. #7 flammzrant, Nov 9, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 9, 2011
    frick, freakin, like, omg (saying the letters, what the fuck is wrong with you)

    i go to college..........stupid girls
  7. Whereabouts

    Concur (confuses the piss out of me) :smoke:
  8. I hate the word bleeding asshole
  9. "Poop" ... I'd rather hear somebody say feces or shit...

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