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What will happen if marijuana is legalized in california??

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Mrmarijuana, Oct 1, 2010.

  1. What will happen? How much would weed cost? Where would it be sold? What quality would be sold? Will there be concentrates such as hash? Will there be edibles? Im thinking it will be much like a medical dispensary. But, I want everybodies thoughts and ideas on the subject. :smoke:
  2. I say there will be a lot of unemployed bud Dealers. Go Hard or go broke :D
  3. It'll be flippin sweet!

    It will become mainstream like alcohol, and a lot of culture will spawn from it. Distrubution I think every type of store from home markets that sell liqour to CVS to herbal stores to mom and pop stores. I'm so excited to see how everything pans out.

    Vote yes on prop 19!!!!
  4. you guys need to read over exactly what prop 19 is lol you guys are living in a dream world

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