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What will/did you tell your children about weed?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Pandog, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. #1 Pandog, Mar 17, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 17, 2012
    I'm just kind of curious as to what any of the parents/future parents out there have to say on this subject. I don't have a child of my own but I started dating my girlfriend while she was pregnant and her son is a year and a half old now. I have cut down considerably on my smoking, but I was just thinking about what I would say to him about weed when he gets to the proper age. I've been smoking for nearly a decade now and I have my own opinions on the subject, of course.

    So what will you tell your children about weed? What would you say if you found out they smoke? Or are there any parents out there that have already dealt with this and care to share their stories?
  2. Tell him everything and let him make his mind up.
  3. Don't be part of the "Cheech and Chong Movement"!

    It's just marijuana... don't give it anymore value than it really has!

    The term "pot head" and "stoner" are not compliments but rather insults.

    Don't smoke with suspicious looking people, and don't be afraid to say "No!".

    Thats it...
  4. here, smoke this joint or ill disown you.
  5. Still illegal: Wait until they're mature, and I can see it.
    Legal and under 18: You can try it, make up your mind from there.
    Legal and older than 18: Do whatever the fuck you want buddy.
  6. This is something I've thought about for a while.
    As I've mentioned in other threads, this year we're trying for a baby after having a 3 month no-weed detox break, also throughout the pregnancy.

    So yeah there's a kid kinda on the way, and when they're here we'll have had a pretty significant break. While I think it's unfeasible that we'll never have it again, I imagine the usage will become a lot less frequent than it is at this stage, so it being in front of them or not won't be much of a problem.

    As for what to tell them about's a hard question really, I mean on one hand it would be great to throw all I know about the bullshit corrupt and unfair discrimination against weed users, on the other hand I'm not sure how much good that would do.

    I think I'll tell them about it, not bother mentioning my own history with it just that I've had it. I'm not about to demonize it. Though I will put limits on the use.
    *Not before 16. At all. Even then I'll likely be annoyed, but I can't be too hypocritical and I'd like to think if anything, I'm realistic.
    *They do it because it's something THEY want to try (I can only suggest this)
    *They keep it in check, not habitual.
    *It can kind of kill your initiative a bit.
    *They vape (because it's healthy, and nothing gets smoked at our place, like ever.)
    *Don't touch it at or before school.
    *"I'd much rather this than smoking/drinking"
    *Don't sell me as the "pro pot" dad to any other parents, for both our sakes.

    As for it's use and where that will be, I've pondered this as well.
    I have often wondered if a lot of the people that get "busted" and end up with records or an unpleasant police experiences, are on account of their parents selling them out, or their attitudes making it necessary to seek out smoking spots, which are just, not secure.
    I won't be anti-weed, but I won't be pro-weed...though I'll probably say that I don't want to see them and their friends with weed at my place.

    I will try to raise them to be a well adjusted person that is capable of making up their own mind on things like this.
  7. The facts
  8. ^this. Nothing but the truth.
  9. My hubby smokes roll yer own cigarettes, and back then he also smoked a pipe- the scent of the tobaccos varied because of this.

    So it was just Mama smoked a "different brand" of cigarette and would share hers with Daddy, but Mama didn't like the taste of Daddy's cigarettes or pipes! No big deal!

    By the time they were in school (this was pre-DARE), they had figured out that Mama's smoking was a "family secret" about on the level of "My dad walks around in just his underwear at home." It was just not talked about!

  10. [quote name='"Storm Crow"']My hubby smokes roll yer own cigarettes, and back then he also smoked a pipe- the scent of the tobaccos varied because of this.

    So it was just Mama smoked a "different brand" of cigarette and would share hers with Daddy, but Mama didn't like the taste of Daddy's cigarettes or pipes! No big deal!

    By the time they were in school (this was pre-DARE), they had figured out that Mama's smoking was a "family secret" about on the level of "My dad walks around in just his underwear at home." It was just not talked about!


    You are.....a GENIUS! :)

  11. I second this.
  12. I'll present my children with the facts. I'll tell them my personal experience with it and what I think about the plant. I'll let them make their own decisions. If my children decide to smoke though I would want them to wait until they are at least 17/18. At the earliest 16 but I highly doubt it.
  13. [quote name='"Storm Crow"']My hubby smokes roll yer own cigarettes, and back then he also smoked a pipe- the scent of the tobaccos varied because of this.

    So it was just Mama smoked a "different brand" of cigarette and would share hers with Daddy, but Mama didn't like the taste of Daddy's cigarettes or pipes! No big deal!

    By the time they were in school (this was pre-DARE), they had figured out that Mama's smoking was a "family secret" about on the level of "My dad walks around in just his underwear at home." It was just not talked about!


    This sounds great but its still based on deception....we're on here all day preaching about how natural/amazing/beneficial/etc. this plant is,but when it comes to kids people still want to hide it

  14. [quote name='"sk8njam"']

    This sounds great but its still based on deception....we're on here all day preaching about how natural/amazing/beneficial/etc. this plant is,but when it comes to kids people still want to hide it


    Because kids can't comprehend the whole good drug/bad drug thing.

  15. This. My son knows of everything, including the paraphernalia, as simply, "cigarettes" or "tobacco". I don't leave my stuff out for him to come across. I am private about it, but it is unavoidable. I don't smoke cigarettes, either, but his dad does and so does my mom, it's an easy association, and obviously I'm not blatant about it. He is 3.5 now, and he is a bright kid. When he is old enough to understand, just as Granny mentioned, it's will be addressed as one of those things that is not to be discussed outside of our home. But I also think it's important, as some others have mentioned, not to make a big deal about it, but it is important to be to be honest with him when it is appropriate. The obvious thing to me is that if you don't make it anything worth mentioning, it really shouldn't ever come up. If it does, my son will say, "My mommy smokes cigarettes/tobacco."
    The sad thing is, I personally view tobacco smokers in a much more negative light than responsible MJ smokers. I only quit last July, but I am never going back. It's unfortunate that I have to fib, but it's necessary...only because of legal issues, not because of any moral problems I have with using cannabis.
    Also, I never started smoking until I was in college, and although there is a bit of hypocracy in it, I don't think I will allow my son to use in my home until he is of legal majority. As long as he is a minor, his best interest is my first priority. I appreciate and respect all of the medicinal properties that MJ has to offer, but I'd like him to wait it at least into early adult hood. It also depends a lot on the kid, their maturity and what not.

    TL,DR: I'm high, and rambling. I love my son. I smoke herb.
  16. I'll pretend to get mad as fuck and confiscate it...then go out and smoke it lol
  17. Says who? My nephew comprehends the concept of good and bad very well and he's 5.
  18. [quote name='"TheDankDude"']
    Says who? My nephew comprehends the concept of good and bad very well and he's 5.[/quote]

    Not when it comes to things like marijuana, and I can guarantee that.
  19. Tell them they can smoke it safely in the household, but if they ever get pulled over under the influence or being stupid with other people they're on their own. No reason that they should ever get into that situation if they can smoke safely under my roof.

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