What Weed Has Helped Me With

Discussion in 'High Ideas' started by groovygal, Mar 29, 2017.

  1. I apologize in advanced if this is rambly as hell or grammatically a mess, for I'm very stoned. But here is what had me thinking, a lot of the positive impacts weed has had on me personally; and how it can literally change your life for the better.

    I used to be a total doormat. I'd let people walk over me, use me, and toss me away like some kind of object. I took it, and often times blamed myself for mistakes within that relationship. As I'm still in the process of working on this to this day , and I'm not 100% there with my anxieties and insecurities whatsoever, marijuana has made my anxieties and fears of people's opinions of me go down dramatically down. I've started bluntly speaking for myself, and slowly stabilizing on a path of self balance between others and myself...all thanks to Mary Jane.

    My persona has evened out finely. I could remember being the most uptight, and high-stressed person. I couldn't take any humor directed towards myself without becoming a defensive tyke. I carried that trait of defensive hotheadedness up until my early teens. After being introduced to weed when I was 15, I've noticed a completely shift of my personality...while this sounds negative or fairly odd it has been such a positive enlightenment in my life. Weed has taught me to relax, and how to cultivate my true personality because of that. It's really a beautiful process, and I'm so much happier and confident within myself. I smile more, I'm kind to anyone I cross paths with, I let little things roll off my back for the most part and kind of sit back for the ride. I have lowered my stress levels tremendously...all thanks again to Ms. Mary Jane.

    In addition to having a shift in my interests within myself, my mindset changed completely too. Politics, religion, space, philosophy, history, evolution, etc. were the forefront of my mind. I started watching educational documentaries, researching as much as I could find about a said subject. It peaked my academic interests (--now peaking my interest in school altogether is different story). I acquired the love for reading and writing recreationally which is something I had opaquely overlooked my entire life. Reading and writing have entered as a passion into my life. In small addition, I started journaling many of my thoughts in a 'High Thoughts Journal' to record my thoughts of when I was in that moment.

    While many view weed as an unproductive escape from reality, truth is it has unlocked so many new sections of my brain I never thought to have existed. It's exquisite. Weed has done so much good for me. I wish everyone could see how it positively stimulates our brains.

    I wanted to just share that just because I'm reflecting. What good has weed done for you? What are your thoughts?

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  2. What weed has done for me is that it has gotten me high
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  3. that too :p

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  4. I think you are just becoming comfortable in your skin. It comes with age. Being self conscious becomes a thing of the past. You are gaining confidence in yourself. Its not the weed. That just gets yah high. I do find that people dont annoy me as much when stoned.
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Lo
    well written
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  6. Very well written.
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  7. I agree with what you're saying but I do think weed helps with gaining confidence.... yak now, part of weed is it making you relax, things not being a big deal, and it kind of can make you care less about others opinions too. I experienced a shift in my views and changed radically very shortly after smoking weed. For the better.
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  8. I definitely relate to that. Smoking weed has changed my personality for the complete better. I learn to let things roll off my back and take things one step at a time.

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  9. Yup, I used to be a hot-head. And almost immediately after weed, I stopped getting mad. In fact, I haven't been legitimately angry in years. I've learned to take things lightly. Even offensive and mean things. I have a cool head and some would say I'm too laid back and carefree.

    I became a much nicer person and ironically, much smarter. I became more interested in the pursuit of knowledge than ever! Geeky, I know.
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  10. currently it is helping me with my sprained ankle
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  11. Not geeky at all, pretty rad actually. I have OCD which caused me to be uptight and focus my energy on useless, small things; but marijuana was of course a natural remedy for that. OCD, depression, anxiety, the usual has gone down a lot better than any man made drug I've taken. I've been able to breathe and relax and enjoy the present and life in general basically. It's funny, cannabinoids are used in almost every medication to lower depression, psychosis, anxiety, etc. so it only makes sense!

    I became super interested in knowledge as well. Never looked twice at astronomy, learning languages, etc. but I realized I actually enjoy learning and expanding my knowledge a lot now because I'm a lot more open and in better place in life. I developed a passion for languages and culture, I actually now want to major in linguistics or international relations thanks to my good 'ole friend Mary Jane steering me on a clear and content path! :)
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  12. That is awesome!!! I can only semi-speak German myself! Honestly, I relate fully. I have anxiety as well and like you said, no man made pill can compare to how well it works. And in terms of learning, I am very open minded. I don't have the mindset "I know I'm right" like so many seem to have, but that I believe I am right but do not know for 100%. My mind can be changed with enough evidence and reason!

    At this point, weed is what keeps me sane and going!
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  13. All the power to ya! I'm almost fluent in French! Italian is my next venture. Man-made drugs did nothing but make me feel like a nauseous, numb mess! Natural is the way to go, we have natural resources to survive! I'm so apt to hear people talk and hear what they have to say about certain topics. Opens my mind to perspectives that I might not even have fathomed, and hell, may change my own perspective on things!
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  14. Agreed! I'm a nature freak myself!!! And I've always said you can't be sure you're right until you've heard both sides and even then you can't be fully sure. It never hurts to give the opposing side a listen! No sense in clinging onto a belief simply for the sole sake of a desire of wanting it to be true. I'd rather know the truth as it is...!
  15. Exactly! How is one suppose to understand an issue or topic without hearing both sides? Assuming a side and going along with what one person says doesn't accurately represent your true opinion. I think people are so caught up with labels that sometimes they don't listen to other side because they're afraid that they may agree with something of there's. C'mon, we have the tools to somewhat control bias and create better dialogue and understanding of each other than that.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. Wow what a tremendous story! I had and still having a similar experience with weed. When I was just 14-15, I got into a bike accident; suffered a traumatic brain injury... it was hard and still is. Cannabis has connected me to Mother Nature and Gods gift. Meditation has also been working really awesome and I recommend u try it also :) Spiritually connected now with woods and her gift to us :)) its so sad I was blind this whole time from actions in the past. Study the 7 Chakras and u will live a happily ever after! I personally like Ajna. incredible people out and I wish u the best of luck! thanks for this post
  17. Weed helps me find balance again and be in the present moment when i lose my way.
    Extremely useful when used properly.
  18. First of all, thanks for opening up & sharing your experience!

    There is a negative stigma associated with cannabis like you said, some using it as an escape from reality, or using it to numb ourselves to our problems. It could be also said about something like meditation, which is a hugely beneficial tool that could help everyone in our stress-filled society.

    However, remember that many who believe in this stigma or spread it have never had experience with Cannabis, and try to forgive them for their fear or ignorance. Many of them are afraid of change, and will refuse to touch it ,even when offered. It unlocks a lot of 'stuff' that people are not quite ready to bump into or face. It amplifies our senses and emotions so much that whatever we focus on will be enlarged, taking us to blissful high or depressing lows.

    In my personal experience, it seems the opposite has been true, because when I am high, it makes me reflect and realize that these problems I have created myself and can solve in order for growth to take place, and that surface pain can be a blessing underneath it. I am learning to get high and not watch movies or just sit there, but to work on my music or meditate in the forest, and LISTEN to Cannabis, a wise plant teacher- just like Peyote, San Pedro, Salvia, etc.

    I am one of those that analyzes and criticizes the crap out of everything thinking too much, moving too little, trying to do everything perfectly, and cannabis helps me slow down and do one thing at a time, not overthink so much and enjoy life!
  19. as majortoker said it may be an age thing. self esteem is at an extreme low between 12 and 15 because after kids stop being babies they lose cuteness, and teens are usually even more disproportionnate than some babies along changing hormones, and all that, then after the teen ages self esteem can go up till you die

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