My high school was in a big, upper class suburb. I just graduated this year. Everyone was preppy, but some tried to dress emo or jock or whatever. There wasn't really a 'stoner' or 'burnout' crowd. Just a few people within each crowd that smoked. Everyone that didn't smoke was very against it, but they didn't socially exile people who did or anything. I kept my smoking relatively discrete, not because I was ashamed, but just because I didn't want to hear the annoying criticism. I usually only smoked with my teammates or close friends. So who smoked/smokes at your school? How accepted is it?
At high school couple years back it was like 10 people who even tried it out of 145 graduating class. Not really a small city just the high school was a high end IB only school. one really ever talked about it and no one did anything "bad" in our school. just complete opposite haha, like my whole floor in the dorms smoked weed daily and in every lecture class it'd seem like 10% of the students were high haha.
sorta same here. i go to a very wealthy private highschool where prob 1 in 10 people smoke, those who do knows everyone that does and those who dont, well dont know about it. its real cool though cause everyones real close so its all toking with good friends
i went to a continuation school after i got expelled from "real" hs, so everyone there was on some sorda drug, pretty much everyone smoked, we'd do lines in art class, really chill school, the security guard saw me hand someone norcos(my heart sunk, thought i was screwed), and he just shook his head and walked away, there all strict now though, glad i got out of there before it got wack. good fuckin times.
Ahhhh high school, how I miss those days. I think I would do horrible things if it were possible to go back in time and do it all again. And I dont think I would change a thing, funnest times of life! My high school was pretty bad so I think I could safely say at least 60% of the people smoked pot. Sometimes we would just go to school to pick up, or meet up with friends and then go dick around. Didn't even make it to class a lot of times. Holy shit, I miss those days. With that being said, I somehow also managed to graduate with honours
in my school there was 3 stoner groups from what i remember: the outcast smokers, these ppl only smoked with themselves therefore remaining outcasts the skater smokers, these guys were pretty chill and most of them knew and talked to all of the 'in' crowd smokers and the 'in' crowd smokers these guys were the most outgoing stoners, hence you saw them at almost every party you went to
Damn I miss the HS days, we had all the scenes there, I lived in the ghetto but didn't like rap/gangs at all so I kicked it with the punks (Real punks not Green day/Simple plan type). It was great, at lunch everyone met behind the bleechers to smoked. Damn my hs was crazy now that I think about it. There was allways fights in the bathrooms and once in a while someone would light the garbage on fire lol. Me and a friend even smoked a blunt in the halls while the classes were in session, it was halrious! We could see people in class while smokin half a blunt and we didn't get any problems over it either.....ahh the good days Non of the teachers really cared, I smoked almost every morning befor school and only got one complaint the whole time from a first period teacher who told me mom I looked stoned that morning haha. But i had wake n baked like 2 bowls real fast with a friend and within 5 mins I though "Aw crap I smoked to much" Funny stuff.
i live in NC there wasn't really much else to do besides drugs, so i'd say 70-80% of the kids in my school atleast tried it by the time they graduated and about 40-50% did it regularly. a ton of kids did hard drugs too
For my HS...almost every senior smoked and/or drank. we never really had a stoner crowd but a lot of people smoked (in my senior class, i counted 60 people from the yearbook that I have smoked with, and thats only the people i smoked with before, plenty of other people smoked too, and my class was 350 people, so i smoked with 20% of the people in my grade alone lol) . The hockey players were all stoners (included me lol). It was very accepted where im from even tho im from an upper class town for the most part with a bunch of preps that i hated. not many people got caught either (at least in school). by senior year ALL my good friends smoked
In my school you had preps jocks emos/goths metalheads gangbangers sluts/hoes nerds stoners Everyone but some preps and nerds smoked.
I graduated in 1995 from a fairly small high school in Maine (about 100 kids in my senior class). There were jocks and nerds and hippies but EVERYONE smoked except for a handful of really uptight girls.
At my high-school in da 'burbs no one smoked anything, ever. Not only was it looked down upon, it was essentially non-existent. There was this sort of a out-of-sight out-of mind type mentality practiced, seriously, no one ever discussed it. We were all busy anyways, learning things, in uniformly designed classrooms, dancing by the orchards and sucking them dry. We constructed white Gazebos at night, painted them steel, added unnecessarily expensive mood lighting and subsequently boozed all-night. Then, right before sunrise, we tore it all down, manically laughing at the ignorant people as they'd pass, not coming to terms with the fact that they'd never see a Gazebo here.
My high school is for snob, rich kids. They got mad epensive cars, rediclous. Cards (magic the gathering ftw) Jocks stoners anime computer tech/robots smarties band We got a lot of groups and I mostly hang with all of them except the band.
If I remember my high school was 3rd in the nation for MJ usage? Depending on the class 3/5 or 4/5 people smoked, though no one really talked about it. For # references, theres 300-400 people in one class. Within each clique so many people do drugs that no one really cares, teachers and police included. Something like 4/5 for MJ, 2/5 for Cocaine, 2/5 for hydros/oxy, and 1/5 LSD. There was only a couple kids who did Xtcy and heroin though. It's what you get for living in a middle class fairly small sub-urban town hahaha.
my school had a wide ranging demographic financially. and there really were no 'preps', 'goths', ect. everyone was pretty much normal. and ya most kids blazed. like 330 peeps in my class btw
I went to a big high school, lots of wealthy kids, lots of lesser off kids, tons of shit always going down, lots of security, huge parties, and nearly everyone smoked weed at least on the weekends. It was okay I suppose.
My high school was alright. I never smoked in HS (except towards the end of the year) or partied so I missed out on the action. It was basically: Loggers/rednecks Theater/art kids Nerds Jocks Preps Most of the smokers were in the redneck and theater/art kid categories.
I went to a boarding school down in Chattanooga, which is a pretty hippy-esque town, so there were a lotta dealers with reasonably priced dank. As for the school itself, there were boarders and day students, and we all got along just fine, hung out on weekends, etc. Day students would come smoke in my room during the day, and on weekends I'd go out and smoke with them sometimes. Plus the teachers were all pretty chill, so me and my friends would show up to classes high all the time. As for my fellow boarders, there were five dorms. There was the freshmen dorm, which was on the other side of the campus so nobody did anything with them. There was the strict rule-following, hardcore Christian, straight A student dorm, and I think only like five people in the whole dorm smoked, but I never really saw them either. Then there was the bro filled dorm, you know, always wearing their polo's and visors, and they just stuck to drinking. Then there was my dorm, and the dorm next to it. These dorms were both really laid back, no faculty members really enforced the rules or made us study or anything. And I think between the two dorms just about everybody smoked. I know in my dorm only two people didn't smoke. So after lights out every night (when the faculty member on duty went to bed) we'd literally all still be up, going into each others rooms and just chillin'. There were the rooms that always had movies going, the room that was always playing video games, rooms where people'd be listening to music and talking. At the start of the year everybody was in their own little groups, but soon we started finding out that everybody else smoked too, and by Christmas everybody in the dorm would hang out with each other, and people from the other dorm would pop in every once in a while too. Yeah, high school kicked ass for me.
my school was really small. little under 100 people in my graduating class.. everybody knew each other. there werent a whole lot of clicks. no emo/goths. none of your typical jocks.. everybody just kinda blended together.. i would say about 15% of the kids smoked weed, did crank, and acid. but probably 90% of the school drank.