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What was your first truly high experience like? vol. it only happens once

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by GrimloxK, Oct 9, 2010.

  1. So my little brother down in Florida called me yesterday and told me he got high the first time using a bong. So I asked him what it was like and he said he was listening to a drake song and he felt like he was in the song and Drake was just spitting so much real shit hhahhahahaa what a clown. But I felt happy for him that atleast he didnt have a bad experience...he said he took 7 bong rips and I was impressed. So it made me wanna know what others first high experience was like....

    The first time I got high I got way too high for a first time but I learned from it. I picked up an eighth of Kush and I really though it was good stuff because it reaked that great MJ smell, not knowing that smell isn't a great indicator of weed quality. I was in my room so I put on Eddie Murphy Raw because I felt I would get high and laugh my ass off

    WRONG! I wasn't really used to not being in control and the weed made me feel like I couldn't control anything...also I started getting tired and I closed my eyes and I started seeing these images that were so crazy but I knew that I had seen them somewhere was like I was unlocking hidden memories that I had forgot a long long time ago. I can't even describe the images all I can even say was that they were some primitive organic constructs of my imagination and some reminded me of people in my life while not even looking remotely like any living thing. What I think is that these images were is how I viewed the world when I was a baby starting to develop my senses.

    I was paranoid...I was pacing...eventually I fell asleep but atleast when I got out of my high I realized what had happened.

    So just thought we could share stories with each other....
  2. Sounds like a first-time to me lol. We got my roommate over the summer to rip my bong for his first time also. I made the mistake of giving him the initial hit so he milked it without understanding what he was in for. When he inhaled it was just an instant explosion of coughing and smoke. He got so high we had to force him into a chair so he would calm down. Said he was feeling his skin and organs move around, and he developed an incredibly high pitch for a while. Hell of a night to say the least. :D
  3. The first time I got high it was similar to how it is for me now. I guess having a stoner dad took a toll on my tolerance. But the first time I vaped, that's a story I'll never forget. I was visiting my friends at their college about 2.5 hours away, and I had never been there before. To get to the dorms there is this long ass road with nothing but grass on the sides. Straight countryside lookin' lol. So I get to the dorms, I take some big ass rips out a volcano bag. The first 30 minutes or so seemed like a normal high. Later that night, we were goin 2 the store to get some drinks or somethin. As soon as I step outside I realize I am higher than I have ever been in my life. And I don't know the area so I was completely mindblown and paranoid hah. So I get in the car, and look out the window to try to enjoy my high. The road is normally 10 minutes or so, but it felt like an hour. I rested my head on the window and it seemed like we past the same place over and over. I don't remember making it to the store or the ride back, but I remember getting out of the car. When we get back inside, we play a couple matches of Halo and I pass out. When I wake up the next morning, I was depersonalized. I was still high, and I felt like I had been in someone else's body. Every thing still felt new, like I'd never seen it before. After attempting to play some Halo I say fuck it this is too much and go back to sleep. The end. Haha


  4. i get this exact same thing from time to time and i love it. i never thought that it was how i perveived the world as a baby tho

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