What vape for ~$150?

Discussion in 'Vaporizers' started by DrLeonardHofstadter, Aug 3, 2012.

  1. The main two Im looking at are the Arizer Solo and the DBV. I know the DBV is a higher quality vape, which is why Im looking at it, but stealth is also a big factor, and thats where the Solo comes in. I bought a bong about a month or two ago and I've only used it once or twice because its so much of a hassle and I need to be sneaky. I would also like to br able to walk out the door by my parents with it in likr a bag or something, and I don't know if I could do that with the DBV. What do you guys think? And if theres another one that'll make my decision harder, let me know lol.
  2. And none with that butane shit lol
  3. If it's that difficult to use the DBV then Solo or Pax. Get the SSV down the road.
  4. The Da Buddha can easily be put in a bag or backpack, and is an excellent vaporizer.
  5. I say get a Extreme Q vaporizer for 30$ more on ebay, it costs 180$ total and i got it and it is amazing, i love the ability to convert from whip to bag. the bag is 3feet long, its nice to chill and watch tv with. Or if you sat near the vape you could do the same with whip
  6. the budda does come with a bag, but it might look a bit suspicious. it'll fit in a backpack though.

    it really is a great vape and i recommend it, but it's not the best for traveling especially if you're trying to be sneaky about it. sure it's possible, but if moving a bong is too much hassle, i don't think the dubbha will be any different.
  7. Da buddha is easily put in a bag and carried around, but you'll still need an outlet. The solo may fit your needs better, but you wouldn't be dissapointed with either.
  8. *sigh* I'll never understand people who buy bongs when they have to hide them from their parents. I just bought my first one, I'm not allowed to smoke at home or keep it in the open but I'm allowed to keep it at least so I take it out when I'm going to friends' houses and such.

    First off, neither of those vapes will work in your room except late at night, I'll be totally honest with you. The DBV vapor is STRONG and lasts for at least 5 minutes, same with the Solo although not quite as strongly, the DBV is also difficult to hide.

    The Solo is also not a stealth vape nor is it all that portable given it's bulk and glass stems. It's more something to walk around the house with than it is a stick in your pocket and use in the car vape.

    I'd recommend looking at vapes like the PAX and Da Vinci and upping your budget a little, or moving out.

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