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what type of weed is this

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by weedismytherapy, Oct 4, 2010.

  1. #1 weedismytherapy, Oct 4, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 4, 2010
    iite evrybody i been smokin exotic for a lil while now and these are a couple batches i want to know what it is

    this first one my connect told me was some gooberry it hit hard and had me high damn near all day


    now this second one im not sure what it was i never got a name from the guybut it smoked smooth and didnt make me cough but i was high as a bitch


    Now this is what i have now its super hairy way harrier than the second batch he told me it was some trainwreck smokin it right now and i feel funny lmao naw but im high like i smoked about 4 fat ass blunts of mids.

    so everybody let me know what you think
  2. looks green, hairy, and smoke-able
  3. 1) Discussion of dealing is not allowed on GC.
    2) No one can look at your pictures and say definitively what strain it is.

  4. Looks like you have a cross between red hair skunk and a dab of orange kush....what ever it is ...smoke it and enjoy it like no other bud you snoked before because it does look like a nice tight moist bud.....

  5. This,
    Nobody can identify a strain from pictures,
  6. meant to say .................Rod sorry
  7. oh i smoked it and really enjoyed it lol
  8. Names dont matter unless its from a dispensary. Theres so many variations of buds its impossible to tell a strain by looking at it. You could give 2 different growers the same seeds, and they would wind up with different looking buds. Everything depends on how its grown and cured.
  9. thanks for the advice
  10. I lol when people try to tell me "strain names"

    It's a fucking joke unless you're getting it from the dispensary

    even then, I judge by looks and smell.. not the "super duper OG supreme kush" label....
  11. Buying doesnt qualify. Asking about selling does
  12. thats hairy-er than my moms vag!
  13. it's some dank weed, good pickups man:smoke:

  14. I loled
  15. hairy ass buds :D
  16. this is some beasters you can tell by all the hairs its not a bad thing its still some nice bud
  17. Which picture are you talking about?
  18. Probably some crazy epic chronic, thats what i heard. lol jk
    Just some beasters brother, in montreal its 4 for 20 of the hairy stuff:bongin:
  19. No one can tell just by looking at the bud.

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