What type of Water

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by RecStoner, Jan 1, 2012.

  1. I was using tap water up until now. I used to just fill a jug, add two drops to get rid of the chlorine and let it sit for 24 hours or so.

    Since I have a double filter system in the house, I figured I would start using that instead. It is not reverse osmosis but a double carbon trap filter the primary being high quality.

    So I just filled two bottles, did the 2 drops for the chlorine and it is sitting.

    I seriously doubt that I will notice any difference but what the hell, I'll try it.

    Do you guys use any special water?
  2. Depends on how shitty your tap water is. Mine is @ .56 EC which pretty much sucks. Way too much crap in it. If I do use it I dilute it by two thirds with rain water. People with improperly maintained water softening systems should avoid using them. If it's out of your control it's best to err on the safe side and get an RO unit or lug water.

    The issue with using low (0-30ppm) water is that in some systems and nutrient combos you can run into deficiencies without amending it. RO water + coco means you need to add calmg with most nutrient regimens.

    Most nute lineups count on you using tap water and account for it with a lower dose of certain elements that are normally found in the water.
  3. Nope. I use straight tap water add nutes, ph it ... water plants. Never bother to wait 24 hours. Never any issue.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. It is recommended to use filtered, or RO water(especially in hydro) to get as pure a water as you can, then supplement with micro nutrients, cal/mag etc to give the plant the proper amounts needed.

    With tap water most are unaware of the ppm of minerals etc in the water that can lead to lockout and deficiencies.
    Tap water with a ppm of 200 plus is not recommended, although many growers use it with good results.

    A small amount of chlorine will probably not effect the plant but, no need to take the risk as you can simply let chlorine evaporate for 24 hours or, use an air stone for 4 hours.
    The only time I would use a small amount of chlorine (pool shock) is in a clone machine to up the survival rate by killing pathogens, the number one cause of not rooting and dying.

    Actually nute companies base their ppm of nutes using RO water....The reason is that each source of city water has different ppm levels...
  5. i used tap water my whole grow. just let the water sit 24 hours b4 giving to to your plant.
    what i do get 2 1 gallon jugs(we will call them jug a and jug b) so fill jug a and b let sit for 24 hours and only water plant with jug a then refill jug a with jug b then refil jug b with tap water. that way you always have water to giver your plant
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  6. Best to use the filtered water from your 2-stage filter. "Tap water" is a different thing for each person, so impossible to generalize about "tap water" overall to what you have coming out of your tap.

  7. so true. AZ and NM have shitty tap water, not drinkable, the Mid Atlantic area has decent water, however Delaware smell like clorox.

    I am just using my filtered water and let it sit a day to rid of chlorine and make it room temperature.
  8. Considering that when they do rain water testing and rain water all over the US from one side of the coast to the other is packed with pollunanites, chemicals etc (mainly all from india and china) and considering that the US is the breadbasket for the world and crops, trees, animals and humans are not dying I think tap water is just fine.

    Tap water in virtually every test is cleaner then bottled water...why municipal tap water is highly regulated to the point where they test it multiple times a day if you live in a large population. Why is bottled water not do better...no regulation on it. Springwater can mean anything. One major bottled water maker who labels it as mountain stream water responded that theres a mountain stream somewhere in the state.

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