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What type of tube for crazy worked slides?

Discussion in 'Smoking Accessories Q&A' started by itguy, Sep 19, 2009.

  1. #1 itguy, Sep 19, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 19, 2009
    I really like the stuff SALT and others are doing with slides - but my pieces are all fairly worked, and would look sorta odd in comparison. Also, it really takes attention away from the slide.

    So I'm thinking my next tube will be something simple.. The idea is that you should be focusing on the slide, not the tube.

    I'm thinking maybe US Tube, but I don't have a ROOR or Medicali either.

    How about lux scientific? ADS?

    Also, what are the benefits of beaker bottom vs straight tube?
  2. I dont buy slides unless it matches my bong. It just doesnt look right. If i were to get a salt slide and my goal was to have a really nice lookin slide to make everything look like i would just get a tube with the same color slide. And I like beaker bottoms because that wide part at the bottom just fills up with smoke, and i believe it would be a bigger hit then a straight tube of the same size.
  3. Imo straight tubes hit a bit harder than beakers, but thats just based off experience, I'm sure some straight tubes are smoother than beakers.

    To be honest, it doesn't so much matter about your tube as long as it isn't something shitty. US tubes, RooR etc. are all good if you're looking for a name brand, but to be honest finding something locally blown will be just as durable / nice and half the price.

    If buying something local isn't an option just remember don't buy any name brand bongs that are shitty like weedstar or some weird name you've never heard of.
  4. IMO Salt pieces look best on stemless or fixed stem designs... or any tube where the stem is vertical and not angled. US tubes or Toro would be your best bet.

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