I am looking to do my first grow, and I will start out small (only a few sq. feet). I am planning on doing scrog (is this too hard for a first grow?) but I do not know which type of lighting to use. I am on a small budget but maybe I can afford a small wattage HPS system. Would LED be good for scrog? And if scrog is too advanced for me, would CFL be good for a SOG or other small grow? EDIT: Sorry if this belongs in the absolute beginners section.
I know, I would have to start a "mom" from seed then make sure its a female then make the clones for scrogging.
really? no answers about lighting? what i meant to also ask is can I use CFL's the whole grow? Or would I have to change to HPS or something for flowering.
You can use cfls for the entire grow, but you will need two different types. The veg stage needs daylight cfls (6500k) and flowering needs soft white (2500k). Here is an awesome thread on growing with CFLs http://forum.grasscity.com/general-indoor-growing/122824-kamels-cfl-guide.html