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What To Use Besides ISO?

Discussion in 'Vaporizers' started by Payne1020, Dec 31, 2012.

  1. What can i use besides iso to clean pax
  2. Scotch-brite pads work great for scrubbing the oven clean without scratching it.
  3. What about the inside?
  4. I found some pipe cleaners at my local head shop. They are called "Randy's Tapered Bristle Pipe Cleaners". I use these saturated with a little bit of ISO and run it through the tube.
  5. Any other polar solvent should work. (butane, xylene, benzene, ethanol, methanol, etc)
  6. Rubbing alcohol?

  7. Rubbing alcohol and isopropyl are the same thing.
  8. Oh but what's the percentage on rubbing alcohol

  9. Go with anything 90% and up.

  10. What if its 70
  11. It will still work it just wont be as potent as it could be and it will take longer to evaporate since there is 20% more water. (isopropyl evaps much faster than water, so instead of it taking place over night it will probably need to sit out and dry for 2 days or so)

    The evaporation part is assuming you are cleaning your pax to harvest smokeable material. If you are just cleaning it to get it clean then you can use any percentage of isopropyl.

  12. How do you harvest material sorry i don't know to much
  13. If your just looking to clean your pax then your good to go with the 70%

    Sometimes people clean their grinders, bongs, vapes etc with iso in order to pull the stuck "thc" out from inside. If you were to put that liquid onto a glass plate the iso would evaporate leaving only the "thc" behind in which you can scrape up and smoke.

    THC is in quotations because that is not quite the correct wording but the principle is there.
  14. #14 Carl Weathers, Jan 1, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2013
    Lol benzene is really toxic, do not recommend. Not that you will find it for sale anywhere.

    *edit* didn't realize your vape was aluminium/plastic.

    Um, I would probably stick to ethanol or isopropyl and use a pipe cleaner, and not bother trying to harvest the gunk. Anything else would potentially damage or contaminate your gear, and you probably wont find methanol for sale. Good luck.

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