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What to tell parents you spend money on

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Blunts15, Oct 4, 2010.

  1. It makes me sad how so many children here lie to their parents about cannabis :(

    That's what you are you know, children. Man up and be honest with your parents. You're all 18+, right? Oh that's right, half of you are lying about your age so you can browse and post here, because you have even less respect for the man who brings us this forum and his rules than you do your parents.
  2. it doesnt always work out nicely :(

    i tried, and failed
  3. My parents notice how much I have, it shows up on bank statements, so I'm pretty sure a lot of people who live at home have parents who see how much money they have.
  4. #44 LightAnother, Oct 4, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 4, 2010

    I'm 20 years old.

    My parents know I have smoked marijuana but if they had any idea of the frequency at which I do they'd be highly upset, basically they are both totally anti all drugs. In my circumstances I'd value keeping my habit in the closet over really straining my relationship with my parents. I think that is more respectful to them to not make them feel as if they have done something wrong (because that's what they would think) in raising me. I know they would react this way because I saw it happen with my sister and my father about different drugs but it's all grouped as 'drugs' for them.

    I don't live with them, I don't smoke in their house or their presence. Maybe some day when the general view on marijuana changes I will tell them, but until then I think we are both happier this way.

    Not that my parents have any interest in ~$70 per week that I'm making dissappear

  5. That last part was a little generalized/extreme don't you think?
  6. I just say I took my friends to a movie or a buffet and bought gasoline. If you use the
    movies lie, then download a cam copy of the movie and watch it so you know what
    the movie was about if asked.
  7. Tell her you have a girlfriend.... named Mary Jane. That'll do.
  8. What do you do for actual gas money then? :p
  9. I tell my mum to mind her own goddamned business.
  10. I tell them I'm buying bud as my parents toke as well and I'm not underaged :/

    Respect your elders.
  11. Don't lie to the woman, she gave you life!
  12. I loan my mom money a shiton more then she loans me it. She's going though a bad time. I just need to borrow when I did something stupid like went out and bought two guns (leaglly) the day I got paid or once when they had to post bail for me :p. That was kinda pricey and I got bitched at to no end... I pay 50$ a month for rent, I came up with the idea and said Ill pay you fifty bucks a month if I can do what I want in my room and problem sloved.... She doesnt ask to borrow money as often either. Just act like a grown man and maybe they'll treat you like one.
  13. How much was your bail? My parents had to pay like 6 or 7 g for mine. They bitch about it all the time. I had a friend and his mom stole like $2gs out of his safe one day when he left it opened. Pretty fucked up.

  14. thisss it always works for me
  15. You act like you know everyones parents and how they would react. A lot of people are in situations where it is a pretty fuckin bad idea to tell their parents, whether they are 18+ or not.
  16. Sucks that your parents keep that tight of a hold on you....but just take a little bit of money at a time over like a week long period or something. Spending $50 a week on random shit is easy.
  17. lottery tickets
    gambled it away hah
  18. Tell them you've been getting fast food on the way home from school or work and you lost track of how much you spent.
  19. Well, at least his Dad will understand with a response like that...:D
  20. Yes, and then you could perhaps convince them that your particular form of lottery addiction can only be properly treated with the correct dosage of THC...:smoke:

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