What up guys, sorry for bad English btw I spent the past half year living in Chicago because of a programme of my school and stuff. Short before I went for the trip I started smoking heavy so of course I wanted to continue with that in the us. luckily my host brother was a big smoker so it was no problem. Anyways in a few days I'm flying back to Frankfurt and I spent all my time smoking. Not saying that's all we did but when we did things we did them high. Also I spent a lot of money on weed. This really wouldn't sound that good for my parents this thread is pretty stupid but could you just name some things that I could have done that are kinda expensive. Thanks mang.
Just say the economy is bad in America and certain things just cost more. It would be believable to your German parents since the economy in the US is bad, but the standard of living is still really high. Also, with Germany's better economy bailing out other parts of Europe, that would be a definitely likely story.
...just say everything was expensive And tell them the things you did but leave out the 'we got really high and..."
Amusement parks, out to eat a lot, got mugged, movies, bars (depending on age), just say you went out a lot and had a good time
Tell them you smoked alot of PCP. And then when they stop crying be like, no I'm kidding but I did smoke some cannabis...garaunteed to work