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What to smoke for Din Din

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by ss3ltl, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. I am about to go eat and my stomach feels a little poor. I would like to hear a few opinions on which strain you think I should smoke to induce muchies so I can get a little food in my belly.

    I currently have

    Skywalker OG
    Pineapple Express
    OC Kush

    And a little tiny bit of
    Grapefruit, Albert Walker, DOA, and Ak-47
  2. I bought a 1/8 of Romulan a couple months ago... Its good if you get alot of it in your system.. it gets me hungry .
  3. Yeah I believe I may have to setttle on the Rom...
  4. Or...or...or....OR you could get a nug of rom and sprinkle every other strain in there.
  5. Throw a pinch of each into your grinder and have a nice combo:D
  6. Smoke weed.

    Don't worry about strains so much.
  7. Don't chose based on strain name most of the time its irrelavant and lies, smoke whatever weed you like its all going to take you to the same place :smoking:

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