So i still live with my parents and i had just earned 70$ that my mom knows i just got and sometimes she needs to borrow some cash. And if you didn't know i spent it on a quarter oz of some dank the same day i got the money. What can i say i spent my money on if she asks for some money and i say i don't have any cause i already spent it? She knows i smoke but also hates when she finds out i'm smoking weed. Just need excuses like i went to movies with some homies and shit like that. Thanks GC
Get a little emotional and talk about how you met this great girl, wanted to impress her, so took her to a chick flick followed by a pretty expensive dinner. You thought it went great.. But shes not returning your texts. Maybe her phone broke? i hope so :c
Honestly if you need to lie to the person who brought you into this world to get high and enjoy yourself, I would save up money and just move out...
nothing wrong with not wanting to dissapoint your mother. In all i think your more qualified to think of an excuse than us... something that fits in with your lifestyle would be good.
Just say you put it in your bank account.. And get a job dude.. 70 bucks ain't shit. If you smoke weed, then you should be able to make money.. If you can make money, then you shouldn't worry about no damn 70 dollars. Or buy a cheap ass game and say it's the newest most badass game and it cost $80 to buy it.. Luckily, your friend let you borrow $10 so that you could afford it. Adding the "my friend let me borrow money" part will throw her off any curiousity.. This plan will work great if your mom doesn't have any clue about video games. At least that's what I used to do lol. Good luck dude.
Whenever my mom asks where my money is going I tell her I'm buying XXXX Shuts her right up. Talk of drugs other then mj isnt permited -YODA SORRY YODA
It is, but I sympathize because I'm in this situation all the fucking time with my mom........its right annoying...i wish i could move out asap but i don't have the $$$
Too hard to understand? No worries, I'll put your worried curious mind to rest. It takes money to smoke weed right? Well if he has a way to make money, then that means that he can make more money to support his habit and give money to the people that take care of him. And I was right behind my reasoning. Op spent $70 on cannabis which means he had to have had money to smoke weed. Same goes for everybody else. Cannabis isn't free.
If you have some hobby she doesnt know much about use that for an excuse. I remember i told my mom 3 leds for light gloves costed me $90 becuase theyre the bomb. Just pick something random she doesnt know much about and overprice the shit out of it
Ha Ha. Mommy, I spent my money on weed! Your grounded son! If you were 18, obviously you're not, get your own job make your own money then it's not a problem
This. Plus if you spend literally all the money you have on it, that's sad. I know heorin addicts that work full time to support themselves and their habits.
I get money easily but this money my mom was keeping an eye on and i'm gonna straight up tell my mom i'm smoking weed every day when i move out soon so you other people shut the fuck up damn, people on this forum. Thanks for the help hep.
I don't spend all my money on weed i just spent all the money my mom seems to watch on weed stupidly at the day i got it. Fool. I'm 18 i have a part time job and i'm growing. And what the fuck are you saying make "your own" money, i made my own money. I hate people like you on these forums Glad i'm not the only one in this situation sometimes.
[quote name='"blackleaf28"']Get a little emotional and talk about how you met this great girl, wanted to impress her, so took her to a chick flick followed by a pretty expensive dinner. You thought it went great.. But shes not returning your texts. Maybe her phone broke? i hope so :c[/quote] The key is to use detail and attach emotion then shit seems legit.