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What to make?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Pootime, Jan 16, 2010.

  1. I feel like making some oil or something. I was thinking of using about an 1/8 for whatever I make. What do you guys and gals think I should make I haven't made anything in a long time so anything is cool with me.
  2. Bubble hash? :)
  3. you should make a time machine imo

  4. Don't I need bubble bags to make bubble hash or bags like them? or is there another way?
  5. Qwiso or BHO. An eighth is kind of skimp though. Even a quarter of high mids would yield decently.
  6. My buds are dank, and I could use 1/4 if I have to I have a few oz'a

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