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What to make a homemade pull stem out of?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Mschmit13, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. Any ideas?
  2. your just gonna get a shitload of answers saying pen, and socket but i cant seem to find a pen the right size or a socket the right size
  3. Find a metal pen that screws apart into atleast these 2 pieces... the body of the pen, and the nose of the pen (cone shaped)
    Take everything apart and take the nose of the pen (the cone piece) and flip it upside down and insert it into the body of the pen as far as it will go. You now have a stem that will come apart and form a pen once you are done cheeching. Not the best idea but i think it deserves an A for thinking outside the box.
  4. A large pen casing (airtight), a smaller pen tube that fits inside the other casing, a socket wrench thing for a bowl, and an elastic band.

    Fix the large casing in your bong as the downstem. Attach the socket to the smaller pen tube then wrap the elastic around the tube so that its airtight when you stick it in the downstem.
  5. I like to use a sharpie. You saw off the black part , yank out the ink holdermabob, clean it up, then melt a socket onto one side.
  6. I have a deep well socket that works pretty nicely but i cant get very much bud in there and sometimes it clogs up..

  7. I used the metal part of a pen once and it melted and left me inhaling metal. Not a pleasant experience. Thankfully just a test, though.

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