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What to get? Dank 8th or quarter of mids

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Billy8687, Sep 24, 2010.

  1. Ok so I can't decide if i want to get the dank 8th or the quarter of mids. The thing is that they are the same price so im not sure what to get. The danks arent here where i live all the time so i think i might go with the 8th. Oh and by the way they are the same price, 50$ :D
  2. 8th of fire is bout 50 but u should get atleast a half of mids for the same price. so id go with the fire for sure
  3. I'd go for the eighth, quality over quantity.
  4. get the dank if it's for you and a friend,
    the quarter if itll be used socially.
  5. Like everyones already said get the dank. unless its really good mids. If u were where I am it would be a hard decision cuz a quarter of mids is between $15-$20. ounce for $50-$60.
  6. If moneys really the isue.... then get the quarter... then buy the eighth when u have extra money :)
  7. Dank..will last you as long as the quarter anyway
  8. :eek::eek::eek: are you serious? here the cheapest i can get is 10$ a g for nice mids :confused:
  9. if you like the high dank
    if you like the smoking mids
  10. Those prices sound very unrealistic man I do not believe that at all. I live in one of the cheapest places to get weed and a quarter is still $65.
  11. Ya man its hard to believe. Im pretty close to the border which helps and the bud I get is always smelling good and light green. U can get an ounce of shit weed for the same price as some mid grade. Depnds who your goin through though.

    Btw I only know one dude that has mid grade goin for reggie prices.
  12. Its all bout who you know man. Im very lucky to know this guy and for the 4 years I've been smokin Ive had this connect for like 2 months. And were talkin mid grade right I'm not sayin beasters.
  13. eighth by far, quality over quantity when it comes to weed!

  14. Duuuuude. I live in Canada and I don't even get prices that godly. Where do you live?

  15. Yea same, but I buy it by the ounce usually 100 an o but that sucks compared to that 50 60 shit lol
  16. Quality bro. If you're looking for some extra for a sesh with your buddies, save up a bit for a dub of some high mids. Fire isn't hard to get around here, but when I'm dry I usually chill on mids while the fire's curing.

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