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What to do

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by GornPipe, Aug 21, 2008.

  1. we were late getting our plants in the ground and im afraid we wont get too much of a harvest off of them. They are about 4 feet tall and are flowering. What can i do to get a better harvest out of them
  2. get some heavy harvest fertilizer
  3. bring them inside under lights (I know, probably not an option)
    ..apart from that :confused:
  4. what heavy harvest fert should i get and where can i get it
  5. Hey man, a four foot plant isn't anything to scoff at. Are they bushy? If they're already in the ground and already budding you should just take what you get and resolve to get an earlier start next year. Take a look at my Trainwrecks on my grow thread. They're all just over four feet and they're awesome. You got any pics?
  6. The last thing you want to do is get too heavy handed with the nutes and ruin your bud. Just be cautious.
  7. they arent very bushy but are pretty healthy i just dont think were going to have a nice harvest.
  8. Use a fert high in (P) something like a 10-35-10. (what I use) Give it a shot of that about every 4 or 5 days for the next 3 or 4 weeks and then stop the ferts. Then start giving plain water and every 3rd day add 4 tablespoons of sugar to a gallon of water up until harvest. You'll be happy and then high!!! Peace dude.

    the fall blend is probably what you'll want but if you are already budding just pic something up from a local store, and maybe try the heavy harvest next year

    i personally used the summer one and its made my plant a lot healthier looking, although it hasnt started to bud yet. once it does start ill give it some of the fall blend. these ferts are made for these plants.

    just dont give the plants too many nutes

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