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what to do with vaporized weed?

Discussion in 'Vaporizers' started by buddahbreak, Sep 24, 2009.

  1. one of my friends suggested saving a lot of it and making browning and i certainly do not want to smoke it its nasty
  2. just keep saving it. i heard you can make edibles, but you need alot. I just stockpile it until i'm out of weed and than snap a ginormous bowl of it. yes its nasty and harsh, but enough of it will get the job done.
  3. Wait until you've got about an ounce of it, then either make cannabutter or a tincture.
  4. golden dragon
  5. Smoke it or make something with it.
  6. i made cannabutter choco chip cookies with a half oz of vaped bud and about 3 grams of regs. made EXCELLENT cookies!! i vac sealed the cookies and had some 4 months later (2 days ago) when i was dry on weed and i got as high as i did the night i baked em.
  7. I don't think smoking it tastes that bad... it's not healthy so I don't do it often but it's certainly not like smoking feces. The high is what I'm aiming for anyways.
  8. Saved ~35 grams of vaped weed that started out as mids. Made 9 brownies. Got 9 people high. Also I used oil and not butter. One of the best beach days of my life.
  9. Man I was staring at this post for like 5 minutes... I was like omg did he say 35 ounces?? But before I could even look at the monitor to see what you actually wrote I would trail off, and then come back and be liek "OMG did he say 35 ounces??" again, and this happened like 3 or 4 times.
  10. nice! i love getting stoned!
  11. the best way to maximize your vaped weed is to vape it at about 330F, and itll get a lot of the THC off, but not all of it! plus smoking it doesnt taste too bad, and still gets you higher. basically doubling your weed, kind-of. haha
  12. What i do with it depends on the quality of the weed. If mids or less, I just toss it. If I have something dank, I keep it all in a Tupperware bin until I get enough to make some canna-milk.

    If you drink a cup of milk double boiled with an 1/8 of vaped headies, you may just find yourself sitting on the television and watching the couch.:smoking:

  13. More detailed instructions are needed. This shit sounds amazing.
  14. me too. :hello:
  15. It is my friend. Here's how I do it:

    Take two pots, one a bit bigger than the other.
    Fill the bigger pot up less than half way with water.
    Then, pour a cup or so of whole milk into the smaller pot.
    Heat the water until boiling.
    Then place the other pot with the milk in it into the larger pot.
    Put the weed the milk. (1-3 grams if dank and unvaped, more if vaped).
    Boil for at least 20 minutes. The milk will turn green.
    Stir often to avoid scorching.
    Finally, strain the plant matter out by pouring the milk through a gold coffee filter.
    Then I like to add some cocoa mix or something to sweeten it up a bit and cover the "green" taste.

    Finally, drink 'er down, but first cancel any appointments and avoid any situations that require the least bit of coherent thinking and hold on for a seriously intense body high.:wave:
  16. hey, i just wanted to say thanks. i have been giving my vaped goods to my broke brother... from here on out im making goodies. unreal all the giving away i have done...
    makes me wanna vape now...
  17. haha this made me lol
  18. yeah can smoke it,or make a what they call a "firecracker".

  19. i save my vape overs for firecrackers. Firecrackers high's are the shit

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